Tuesday, January 03, 2012


2012 Bible Reading Plan


We have heard that word bantered around so many times it becomes one of those words we just gloss over. Is revival possible in our day? Is revival something that we could experience? Do we really believe that we could be a part of another “Great Awakening?”

Pastor Mark Batterson author of the new book, The Circle Maker, shares how revival could break out in our day:

He never received a formal education, yet he lectured at Harvard. He was born in a gypsy tent, yet he was summoned to the White House to meet two presidents. Born in the Epping Forest outside of London in 1860, Rodney “Gypsy” Smith crisscrossed the Atlantic Ocean forty-five times, preaching the gospel to millions. Few evangelists have preached with more passion. He is secret? Private prayer! 

More powerful than his preaching was his praying. Gypsy’s secret was revealed to a delegation of revival seekers, who asked him how God could use them just as he was using Gypsy. Without hesitation, Gypsy said, “Go home. Lock yourself in your room. Kneel down in the middle of the floor, and with a piece of chalk draw a circle around yourself. There, on your knees, pray fervently and brokenly that God would start a revival within that chalk circle.

Years ago J. Edwin Orr wrote these words in his song, Search Me, O God:
O Holy Ghost, revival comes from Thee
Send a revival, start the work in me!

The question of the day is this: I am daring enough, bold enough, hungry enough to do what Gypsy said to do? We may never see revival in our lifetime if we can’t take THAT first step. He’s willing – are we? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s KESWICK

Team YOU: Daily Scripture reading… because YOU, Lord, would like a word with me: Genesis 7-9; Proverbs 3, Matthew 3

Motivations: Daily quotes…because they keep it- on point: What feels like zeal may be only fidgets or even the flattering of one's self-importance.
C. S. Lewis

Practice to Remember: Memory Verses… because it’s not just a game: Level 1: Ephesians 1:3; Level 2: Ephesians 1:1-6

Powered Up: Prayer…because it works: Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscles of omnipotence.  Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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