Thursday, January 05, 2012

Believe, Pray and Trust

Believe, Pray and Trust

“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe.” Mark 11:24

I was 12 years old and I have a Dutch rabbit named Snuggles. I took him out and took him to my best friend’s house (how happens to be my wife) and of the way home Snuggles had a massive stroke. It happened outside of the apartment of a dear lady whose name was Grandmom Geissler.

Grandmom Geissler was known in our church to have the ear of God when she prayed. Every day she spent hours on her knees in prayer looking at her map and working her way across the world praying for hundreds of missionaries.

I was really upset about the rabbit and we rang her door bell. She ran down the steps embraced us and began to pour her heart out to the Lord for that rabbit’s life. Even though rabbit died that day, I learned a huge lesson. This lady actually prayed because she KNEW that God heard and answered prayer.

How often we pray so haphazardly because deep down we really don’t believe God can answer our prayers. He’s answered big prayer and little prayers. This week I misplaced my car keys and sent an email to the staff. I offered a reward for the lost keys.

I also took the time to ask the Lord to help me find those keys. I know that to replace the car fob is expensive. Does the Lord care about my car keys. After using the restroom several hours later, I was walking back into my office. The Lord prompted me to look under the cushion of the padded chair in my office.

For a split second I brushed it off as “yeah right.” But I had asked Him for His help and maybe He really was prompting me. What did I have to lose? So I walked over to the chair lifted the cushion and there they were, not on the side of the cushion but right under it in the middle. I have no clue how they got there – but I do not this – is was another reminder to pray, believe and trust.

Are there small things in your life that you need to pray about? Big things? Do you have the faith to believe? I’d love to hear your stories. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Motivations: The Bible teaches that all sin begins with sinful thinking. Billy Graham

Practice to Remember: Level 1: Ephesians 1:3; Level 2: Ephesians 1:1-6

Powered Up: God loves to be consulted. Charles Bridges

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