Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Prayer about the Perfect Birthing Experience

A Prayer About the Perfect Birthing Experience

“But when the set time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child, and since you are His child, God has also made you an heir.” – Galatians 4:4-7 (NIV)

I have been working through a wonderful book of prayers this year written by Pastor Scotty Smith, pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin, TN. May of the contemporary artists attend his church.

The book is called EVERYDAY PRAYER – 365 Days to a Gospel-Centered Faith (Multnomah). These words today captivated my heart:

Dear Lord Jesus, the details surrounding your birth seem quite happenstance, even tragic. It’s easy to criticize innkeepers for gross inhospitality, pity Mary for the birthing room she had to endure, and judge Jerusalem for missing their moment. Yet everything happened just as you, our Father, and the Holy Spirit planned.

“Doing all things well” (Mark 7:37) didn’t start happening after your resurrection. “Working all things after the counsel of your will” (Eph. 1:11) includes the delightful and the most difficult things in life. Just as you could have called down 12 legions of angels to rescue you at your arrest (Matt. 26:53), so you could have arranged a palatial circumstance for your birth. Lord, please give me greater grace and faith to accept this liberating, if complex truth. You reign… you rule over all things.

“When the time had fully come” you came, Lord Jesus, not a day early and not a day late. And as humbling as it was to be born under the ceiling of a stable, being born under the weight of the law was a far greater burden. Yet that’s exactly why you came into the world—to be born under God’s law to redeem us from our sin and rebellion… to rescue me from my unwillingness and inability to love God as he deserves.

There’s no way I could have ever fulfilled the demands of God’s righteous, perfect, and holy law. Only you could do so and only you did so. I worship, praise, and adore you, Lord Jesus. I must not see the manger without seeing your cross.

Jesus, because you lived in my place and died in my place, I’m no longer a slave to sin but a son of God. This self-indulgent prodigal and self-righteous man, has been robed in your perfect righteousness. And as surely as he sent you into the world, so God has sent his Spirit to live in my heart—by whom I cry with glee, “Abba, Father!” My future looks quite amazing as well, for I will co-inherit the new heaven and new earth with you, Lord Jesus. How can I possibly keep from singing and shouting, “Hallelujah, what a Savior! Hallelujah, what a salvation!” I will not judge innkeepers, but I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. So very Amen I pray, in your merciful and matchless name.

May that be the prayer of YOUR heart and MINE today. Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

 GPS – God’s Positioning System: Hebrews 1-6; Psalm 141; Proverbs 21

Compass Pointers: The Son of God … came to seek us where we are in order that he might bring us to be with him where he is. J. I. Packer

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1:John 17:3; Level 2: John 17:1-5

Anchored to the Rock: When I pray coincidences happen, and when I do not, they do not! William Temple

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