Monday, December 26, 2011

Living With Purpose

Living with Purpose ... Responding to God’s Call…Realizing Our Gifts…Rejoicing in the Victories!

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14

Merry the day after Christmas. I trust you had a great day with your family as you celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In 2012 the summer Olympics will be held in London. We decided that this year we would have some fun tying in our theme to the games. This will be the focus of our summer conference season.

To get you started in your training for the games, I want to encourage you to join us in reading through the Bible. Our 2012 Bible Reading plan is downloadable (click on picture) or you can email me your snail address and I will send it to you.

Besides my daily TEAM CAPTAIN CHALLEGE, you will receive the following:

Team YOU: Daily Scripture reading… because YOU, Lord, would like a word with me.

Motivations: Daily quotes…because they keep it- on point.

Practice to Remember: Memory Verses… because it’s not just a game.

Powered Up: Prayer…because it works.

I am looking forward to training with you in 2012. I trust you will join me and encourage others to join team KESWICK. God bless you. – Bill Welte is Team Captain/President and CEO

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