Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Things Are Ripe for a Miracle


I don’t know what you have been experiencing, but there seem to be so many people who are hurting and struggling. As a ministry, we have had a couple of tough months that have been very stretching. We have been crying out to God for a miracle. In the last several days, we have begun to experience some exciting signs that God is up to something cool. It reminded me of a powerful song written by our friends, Steve and Annie Chapman:

Well the money’s getting tight,
And we’re working day and night,
But, we can’t seem to fit the ends together.
And way down in our souls
The wind of fear is a-blowin’,
And I know it’s bringin’ in some stormy weather.

But before it gets to you,
There is something you can do
That will help you when you’re facing your recession.
In your heart get on your knees,
Be like Moses at the seas,
And let God hear you make this good confession.
Things are looking right for a miracle!

Ain’t no reason I should get hysterical.
Open up the doors,
God, you’ve done it before.
Things are looking right for a miracle.

Now, it may not be your money,
But some other kind of pain.
Let God get the glory, your confession is the same:
Things are looking right for a miracle!

Ain’t no reason I should get hysterical.
Open up the doors,
God, you’ve done it before.
Things are looking right for a miracle!
“Things Are Looking Right for a Miracle” – Lyrics by Steve Chapman
From Married Lovers, Married Friends – Steve and Annie Chapman  (Bethany House)

I look forward to sharing you when that miracle happens! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Psalm 119:169-176; Proverbs 29; 1 Corinthians 1-4

Compass Pointers: Lay any burden on me, Lord, only sustain me. Sever any tie, but the tie that binds me to Thyself. David Livingstone

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 16:33; Level 2: John 16:5-15

Anchored to the Rock:  "One should never initiate anything that he cannot saturate with prayer."  

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