Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Train in the Right Direction

Train in the Right Direction

The mature … have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:14

Wow – did you ever have to practice? An instrument? A sport’s game? Most of us struggle with that word – but the writer of Hebrews not only reminds us that we need to practice, but it is CONSTANT in learning to distinguish between good and evil.

Grace writer, Dr. Jerry Bridges, gives this powerful commentary on this verse: Paul exhorted Timothy, “TRAIN yourself for godliness” (1 Timothy 4:7). Though godliness is a broader concept than holiness, holiness is a major part of it, so training ourselves to be godly certainly includes training in holiness.
God wants us to train ourselves in the right direction through making right choices. Frankly, this is where the going gets tough. We’ll agree with Scripture’s teaching about some particular sin and even make a commitment of sorts to put it out of our lives. Then the temptation to indulge in that sin comes once again, and we’re unwilling to make the tough choice. We would like to be rid of that sin, and even pray to God to take it away, but we are unwilling to say no to it?

Every day we’re training ourselves in one direction or the other: toward lying or truthfulness; selfishness or unselfishness; anger or forgiveness; impurity or purity; irritability or patience; covetousness or generosity; pride or humility; materialism or simplicity.

Only through making the right choice to obey God’s will we break the habits of sin and develop habits of holiness. This is where we desperately need the Holy Spirit’s power to enable us to make the right choices. So cry out to God every day for His help; cry out each time you are confronted with the choice to sin or to obey. (Holiness Day by Day – Transformational Thoughts for Your Spiritual Journey – Navpress)

What is it that you need to deal with today? My guess is that it isn’t rocket science for you to figure it out. Let’s purpose together to keep training so that we can be the men God wants us to be. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Matthew 13; Luke 8; Psalm 94; Proverbs 11

Compass Pointers: “This passive righteousness is a mystery that…Christians never completely understand themselves, and thus do not take advantage of it when they are troubled or tempted.  So we have to constantly teach it, repeat it and work it out in practice.  For anyone who does not understand this righteousness or cherish it in the heart and conscience, will continually be buffeted by fears and depression.  Nothing gives peace like this passive righteousness.” Martin Luther, Preface to Galatians

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 14:13-14; Level 2: John 14:1-6

Anchored to the Rock: Unity of prayer combined, like drops of water, make an ocean which defies resistance. E. M. Bounds

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