Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thanks for the Feedback

Thanks For the Feedback

I wanted to thank you for the feedback that you sent regarding the ministry of Freedom Fighter. I was pleased to hear from a number of you and appreciated your comments, suggestions, and encouragement.

It was actually a good thing to solicit the feedback as it helped solidify the direction of the blog. One of the interesting things we learned is that of the many Freedom Fighter emails that are sent out, only 28% of the emails are actually opened. While that was discouraging at first, the good news is more men are reading Freedom Fighter than the women are reading Victory Call. That was both surprising and encouraging.

One decision that I feel necessary to make is to discontinue the weekend edition of Freedom Fighter. Beginning this week, I will just be posting Monday through Friday. I need to bring some balance into my life and schedule, and this is one way that will be a help to me.

We are committed to our original mission: to encourage men to walk in victory. I look forward to sharing with you how God is helping me to flesh that out in my own heart and life on a daily basis.

Just one thought for today: God wants you and I to cultivate excellence in our lives. The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:17 these words: “Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Author Gary Ingrid pictures excellence in this way:
The standard for excellence: the character of God!
The motivation for excellence: the glory of God!
The direction of excellence: the will of God!
The focus of excellence: godly character!
The picture of excellence: servanthood!
The cost of excellence: discipleship!

A great picture of excellence! What a great model for us. Let’s keep moving forward to excellence! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Matthew 16; Psalm 101; Proverbs 18

Compass Pointers: Excellence is the maximum exercise of one’s gifts and abilities with the range of responsibilities given by God. Gary Ingrid

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 14:23; Level 2: John 14:12-21
Anchored to the Rock: A good deal of our praying probably accomplishes little because it is not specific.

Pointless prayer is faithless prayer. – Dick Eastman

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