Sunday, September 04, 2011

Take Thou My Hand, O Father

Take Thou My Hand, O Father

“Teach me Thy way, O Lord; lead me in a plain path …” Psalm 27:11

Here is a great hymn to reflect on this Sunday:

Take Thou my hand O Father,
And lead Thou me,
Until I and my journey,
And heaven see.
Alone I would not wander one single day;
Be Thou my true companion
And with me stay.

O cover with Thy mercy My poor, weak heart!
Let every thought rebellious
From me depart.
Permit Thy child to linger
Here at Thy feet.
To fully trust Thy goodness with faith complete.

Lord, make my heart responsive,
And stir my soul,
Until through all the darkness,
I reach my goal.
Then take my hand, O Father,
And lead Thou me
Until I end my journey,
And heaven see. Amen

That’s the prayer of my heart. How about you? – Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Daniel 1-3; Psalm 61; Proverbs 4

Compass Pointers: It is rather ridiculous to ask a man just about to be boiled in a pot and eaten, at a purely religious feast, why he does not regard all religions as equally friendly and fraternal. G. K. Chesterton

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 7:37-38; Level 2: John 7:37-38

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