Saturday, September 10, 2011

Learn of Me

“take My yoke upon you – learn of Me” (Matthew 11:28-30)

            Throughout the word of God, the word “yoke” is employed in two symbolic ways.  It may be surprising to learn that the predominant usage of the word has to do with “authority” or “dominion.”  For example, God repeatedly warned His ancient people that if they turned away from Him to worship idols that He would bring them under the “yoke” of the surrounding nations.  Repeatedly this was the experience of the nation of Israel.  Numerous other times in the Old Testament, God employed that analogy.

            The word “yoke” also is employed of an agricultural instrument that joined two oxen, for example, in joint labor.  When Jesus said, “take My yoke,” unquestionably He included both of these symbolic meanings.  That is, Jesus was saying both to submit to my dominion and authority, submit to My Lordship, and also become a partner with Jesus Christ in fulfilling the work of God in the world.

            If the church of Jesus Christ faces a vast unfinished task in the world, not doubt it is largely because so many have failed to respond acceptably to the call of Jesus Christ to “take His yoke upon us.”  That is, we fail to bow to His dominion, His Lordship and authority and we thus fail to become partners with Him in the glorious task of fulfilling God’s work in the world.

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            The remedy to this failure is found in the next words of our Lord we He said “and learn of Me.”  There are many things that we may learn from Jesus Christ.  We may learn the word of God, we may learn to know God, we may learn how to pray and we may learn all about the future.  But when He said “learn of Me” I believe that He meant something else.  In the context of this text, He meant learn of Me how to bear the yoke.  Learn from Jesus Christ how to submit to the authority of the Father and how to become a partner with Him in fulfilling God’s work in the world.

            One of the greatest passages wherein we learn how Jesus bore the yoke is Philippians 2:5-8.  Here we read how Jesus surrendered His rights and stooped down to become the servant and ultimately the sacrifice for our sins.  That is how He bore the yoke.  And He instructs us to learn from Him.  As Paul wrote, “let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”  So we may learn from the Lord Jesus Christ to submit to His Lordship and become a partner with Him in doing God’s will and work in the world. Dr. Crichton is a Board member emeritus of America’s Keswick and Pastor Emeritus of Calvary Church, Lancaster, PA.

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Haggai 1-2; Psalm 67; Proverbs 10

Compass Pointers: We must rediscover and reclaim our spiritual heritage. The emerging new world of the twenty-first century may be new to us, but it is not new to our spiritual ancestors - the developed Christian community in the midst of a very similar culture. If by God's grace they could do it, so can we. Christians are commissioned to witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The church of Jesus Christ is called out of the world for the purpose of sharing new life.... The purpose of the minister is to equip people to build up the Body of Christ. The purpose of laity is to pass on to others the new life God has given them. The goal is never simply to "run to the church," no matter what size the church may be. Bill Easum

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: John 7:37-38; Level 2: John 7:37-38

Anchored to the Rock: We shall never see much change for the better in our churches in general till the prayer meeting occupies a higher place in the esteem of Christians. C. H. Spurgeon

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