Saturday, August 06, 2011

Pray Continually

"Pray continually."   I Thess 5:17

Please join me...

            in ASKing God to give us grace/power to keep Him in the center of our thoughts, this day/week/month/year.  It is a FIGHT, and not merely a FIGHT of our wills/efforts/agendas, but at the same time, a crying out to Him, to empower us in the FIGHT to keep Him central to each minute of our day.  Impossible goal, without the God of the Impossible, and without recruiting prayer from His people, from my friends and yours, to pray for this impossible dream.  

            The minutes which ARE filled with a God-consciousness are MORE than worth the frustration/disappointment of the minutes of failure.   The JOY and PEACE of living and working out of communion with the God of the Universe, is priceless, precious, the pearl of great price, worth selling all to get.  Human accomplishment, even ministry accomplishment, is OVERrated, and communion with Jesus, is UNDERrated.   Human talent/power achieves natural results, while supernatural power achieves supernatural results, and the Church today, including Dave, has way too much of the former, and not very much of the latter. 
            The lost are not beating down the doors our churches wanting to know this Jesus who inhabits us, empowers us, to love them better than anyone they’ve ever known.  Us born-again Christians are considered by them, to be the very worst at loving/accepting people different from ourselves, politically, morally, theologically, educationally, economically, socially, emotionally, and they feel an agenda from us, to change them to be like us, and it doesn’t feel like unconditional love/acceptance to them: it feels like judgment, self-righteousness, holier-than-them: like they need to get their acts together, like we have ours together: the superior ones trying to convince the inferior ones.                    
            `Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus; `tis so stressful, fearful, discouraging, to trust in self, others, government, even Church.   I have no hope of having the supernatural love and supernatural humility necessary to compel the lost, unless I have the supernatural power that flows from living and working out of communion with Him.  Dave McCarty is a great friend and is the President of Gospel Friendships. He is a contributor to our devotional, REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE.

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Jeremiah 35-37; Psalm 33; Proverbs 6

Compass Pointers:  The spiritual battle, the loss of victory, is always in the thought-world. —Francis Schaeffer

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverb 31:30; Level 2: Proverbs 31:28-31

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer is the pulse of life. – Andrew Murray

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