Saturday, July 16, 2011

Never Separated from His Grace


“For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,…shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  (Romans 8:38, 39)
            At age nine, I accepted Jesus as my Savior when an evangelist, Jack Murray, was at our church.  He used John 3:16 to make things plain to me.  I soon knew that verse by heart.

            At age sixteen, I joined church and our pastor chose for me the above verses, Romans 8:38, 39.  He always prayed before selecting a life verse for new members.  That didn’t seem to fit into my happy lifestyle.  The “things present” were very acceptable and life was good.

            By seventeen I started working and also attended evening Bible school.  Later, I married and had three sons and was in full-time ministry with my husband at the church where I accepted the Lord and became a member.  Proverbs 3:5, 6 says, “He will direct your path,” and He did!

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            By age thirty-three, the “things to come” began to happen!  Two of our children went through surgery, and we had a near-death experience of our 9-month-old son – choking.  I thought these things caused weakness for me, but God had plans to use me through a muscle illness, myasthenia gravis.  May I insert here: the ministry of “helps,” given to us by so many people, are never forgotten!  God needs us all in helping each other; we do it unto the Lord!  However, one requested I ask: don’t say to someone who is ill, “If you just had faith, you could be healed!”  I was concerned about my faith, but not considering it was His will.  I did see God use this illness, the trials, the heartaches.  I still see it today as I have had this disease for 37 years.  I am serving the Lord at America's KESWICK with my husband.  Nothing has been able to separate me from the love of God; in fact, I’ve grown even closer!

            Jeremiah 29:11 is another verse I have claimed.  He does not have plans to harm me, but to give a future and a hope.  He says, “I know the plans I have for you.”  I do want His plans, not mine!  His way is not just for good, but for a purpose!  -- For 18 years Dottie Noel served at the Colony of Mercy with her husband, Chaplain Jack Noel. Dottie went home to be with Jesus on May 21 of this year.

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 2 Kings 18:9-37; Psalm 15; Proverbs 16

Compass Pointers: “The cross of Christ is a revelation of the love of God, for it reveals what that love is prepared to suffer for the one loved.  I believe that the presentation of the death of Christ as substitution exhibits the love of the cross more richly, fully, gloriously and glowingly than does any other presentation.  It gets nearer to the heart of that love than any of the other pictures that the New Testament contains.” J I Packer

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 28:9; Level 2: Proverbs 28:6-10

Anchored to the Rock: Just as the business of tailor is to make clothes, and that of the shoemaker to mend shoes, so the business of the Christian is to pray. Martin Luther

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