Saturday, June 25, 2011

What Kind of Church Member Are You

What Kind of Church Member Are You

“Now the multitude of those who  believed were of one heart and soul … “ Acts 4:32a

I came across this description of church members in a book of illustrations. It was originally printed in the Watchman-Examiner:

Which are you?
Pillars … worshipping regularly, giving time and money.
Supporters … give time and money if they like the minister and treasurer.
Leaners … use the church for funerals, baptisms, and marriages but give no time or money to support the church.
Working leaners … work but do not give money.
Specials … help and give occasionally.
Annuals … or Easter Birds, dress up, look serious, and go to church on Easter.
Sponges … take all the blessings and benefits but give no money to support the church.
Tramps … go from church to church but support none.
Gossips … talk freely about everything except the Lord Jesus.
Scrappers … take offense, criticize and fight.
Orphans … are children sent by parents who do not set the example.
Hypocrites … are leaners who say they are better than churchgoers.

So as you prepare your heart for worship tomorrow … which one are you? Think about it. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Isaiah 5-8; Psalm 144; Proverbs 25

Compass Pointers: A Christian must keep the faith, but not to himself. Jim Patrick

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 25:28; Level 2: Proverbs 25:25-28

Anchored to the Rock: To pray without laboring us to mock God; to labor without prayer is to rob God of His glory. Robert Haldane

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