Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Don't Fear the Red Sea

Don’t Fear the Red Sea

The Lord said to Moses, “ … Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea.” Exodus 14:15-16

I am sure you’ve been there before – I know I have. So maybe right now like me, you are facing one of those “Red Sea” experiences and need this word of encouragement. It came in my June 25th reading from Streams in the Desert (Zondervan):

Dear child of God, just imagine the triumphal march! Picture the exalted children being constantly hushed and restrained by their parents from their outburst of wonder. Think how women must have experienced an uncontrollable excitement as they found themselves suddenly saved from a fate worse than death.

Imagine how the men who accompanied them must have felt ashamed and admonished for mistrusting God and for complaining against Moses. And as you envision the Red Sea’s mighty walls of water, separated by the outstretched hand of the Eternal in response to the faith of a single man, learn what God will do for His own.

Never dread any consequence resulting from absolute obedience to His command. Never fear the rough waters ahead, which through their proud contempt impede your progress. God is greater than the roar of the raging water and the mighty waves of the sea. “The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever” (Psalm 29:10). A storm is simply the hem of HIS robe, the sign of HIS coming, and the evidence of HIS presence.

Dare to trust Him! Dare to follow Him! Then discover that the forces that blocked your progress and threatened your life become at His command the very materials He uses to build your street of freedom. (F. B. Meyer – famous Keswick speaker)

Years ago my mentor and friend, “Dr. B.” gave me a little saying on a post card that said this: THE RED SEA RED SEA BEFORE YOU – THE EYGPTIAN ARMY BEHIND YOU – HEMMED IN MY MOUNTAINS ON EITHER SIDE – LOOK UP! THINGS ARE RIPE FOR A MIRACLE!

Not sure what YOUR Red Sea is today – but know this – God is in the midst of your Red Sea experience. Dare to trust Him! Dare to follow Him! Look for YOUR miracle. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Isaiah 9-12; Psalm 148; Proverbs 29

Compass Pointers: Sin comes when we take a perfectly natural desire or longing or ambition and try desperately to fulfill it without God. Not only is it sin, it is a perverse distortion of the image of the Creator in us. All these good things, and all our security, are rightly found only and completely in him. Augustine

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 26:28; Level 2: Proverbs 26:17-25

Anchored to the Rock: When we do not pray, we work against God. E. F. Hallock

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