Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Be There

Be There

My guess is that many of you this morning can relate to what I am about to share. I am of the baby-boomer generation, and while I am only 57, I am still very much connected to technology.

I can remember life before cell phones and computers. 25 years ago – what was email? But yet I find myself very frustrated with cell phone coverage or when our network is done and I can’t get into my email.

Most of us have multiple gadgets and toys – I have my cell phone, laptop, Itouch and Ipad. It is easy to justify that these things are needful because of my “work/ministry” in order to be “connected.”

Someone shared with me this weekend that they were in a restaurant observing a family sitting together to enjoy a meal. The problem was that none of them were communicating face-to-face – everyone was texting or playing a game.

I pride myself on being able to “multi-task.” I can watch TV and be working on my laptop. I can be in a room of people but still be connected to the outside world, talking in the room, but texting and checking email.
The conviction came when reading through Craig Groeschell’s book, Weird. When addressing the time we need to spend with God and those most important to us, he urges us to BE THERE – giving our undivided attention to those we love, and most importantly, to God.

I am very guilty of having my quiet time with the Lord, and yet finding myself adding things to my to-do list while I am reading or praying. Instead of giving Jan my undivided attention when she is sharing something, too often I am working on my laptop or I touch instead of really listening.

Maybe all this technology isn’t as helpful as we think it is. Multi-tasking isn’t necessarily a gift to be proud of – especially if it keeps me from being focused on the ones I love, and especially to the One who always gives me HIS undivided attention.

Something to think about today, brothers. I have started repeating this phrase more often: BE THERE! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 2 Kings 15; Psalm 141; Proverbs 22

Compass Pointers: If others do not encourage us, let us encourage ourselves in the Lord. How much he encouraged others! On the stormy lake, and in the upper room. He spoke words of cheer to the paralytic and to the stricken women he administered words of comfort. A. Soutter

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 25:28; Level 2: Proverbs 25:25-28

Anchored to the Rock: The greatest thing anyone can do for God and for man is to pray. S. D. Gordon

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