Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Anger Management

Anger Management
            I was asked to help a young man with “Anger Management” and here is some of the information I shared with him.

            Philippians  2:5-8 5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,   
 6who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God,   
 7but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.  8And being found in the fashion of a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death--even the death of the cross.

            Anger has much to do with our “mind set”. Truly humble people seem to have no problem with anger. We become angry at people that do not show us the respect that we feel is due us. They “owe us something”. 
            Anger is caused by the difference between what we feel we have a right to and what people give us. In our country we try so very hard to “never be angry”. No one wakes up saying I think I will be angry today. Anger just happens. That is why the Bible says be angry but stop at the action level. Ephesians 4:26  Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

            While it is next to impossible to stop anger from happening it is very possible to stop the behavior that it stimulates.

            Many counselors encourage “primal screams” and punching pillows etc. I do not concur. The more we practice the actions our anger dictates the harder it is to control our behavior.

            For a while, we had a fad the said WWJD. I think that was a modern way of saying how would Jesus use his mind in our situation. Would He continue to think about what people were saying about Him or doing to Him? I think not. Would he have a mind that would make what happened OK. No! If it is wrong it can never be made OK.           

             On the cross He demonstrated His “Mind Set”. He said, “Father forgive them for such ignorance!” The police officer points out that ignorance is no excuse. But Jesus says it is a great reason to forgive. Since the hurt that you and I experience cannot be made OK, we must forgive or continue to hurt.

            Spirit of the Living God, help me to forgive
                        When I am able to do that, I can learn how to live
            For others cannot control my life, I know
                        When I am able with your love to just let go.  Pastor Van is a Christian Counselor and is a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter 

GPS – God’s Positioning System: 2 Kings 1-4; Psalm 133; Proverbs 14

Compass Pointers: “When we feel the pull toward the golden-haired woman, we must recognize that something deeper is at play…as Augustine said, ‘Let my soul praise you for all these beauties, but let it not attach itself to them by the trap of love,’ the trap of addiction because we’ve taken our soul to her for validation. But there is an even deeper issue than our question. What else is it we are seeking from the Woman with the Golden Hair? What is that ache we are trying to assuage with her? Mercy, comfort, beauty, ecstasy—in a word, God. I’m serious. What we are looking for is God…notice that the struggle with pornography or masturbation is most difficult when you are lonely, or beat up, or longing for comfort in some way...but if this is the water you are truly thirsty for, then why do you remain thirsty after you’ve had a drink? It’s the wrong well. We must reserve Adam’s choice; we must choose God over Eve. We take our ache to Him. For only in God will we find the healing for our wound.” John Eldredge

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 24:1-2; Level 2: Proverbs 24:1-10

Anchored to the Rock: Prayer does not enable us to do a greater work for God. Prayer is a greater work for God. Thomas Chalmers

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