Thursday, April 07, 2011

Accountability is Tough By Necessary -- Part 2

Accountability is Tough – But So Necessary

Have you joined the 2011 Family Freedom Walk competition? We can’t let the girls win! Sign on and make your gift today!

And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4:13

I have heard it dozens of times: “I don’t answer to any man, I answer to God.” While we are to obey God and follow His commands, God has not created us to live in a vacuum. He created us to be a part of a family, and He still uses individuals in our lives.

He was a famous radio Bible teacher on the west coast. He and his wife co-authored many books, many one marriage. Publicly this man used the above statement – I am only accountable to God! My guess is that he is wishing now that he never said that. His felt into serious sin, lost his marriage and ministry, and most of you don’t even know him now even though he had such a public ministry.

An examined life if important. Here are some additional questions from Andy Stanley’s book, The Principle of the Path:

1. Has anyone approached you or, more to the point, confronted you about a relationship or lifestyle issue?
2. Does your spouse keep bringing up the same stuff over and over?
3. Have you heard something along the lines of, “I really think you are spending to much time with …?
4. Have you heard yourself getting defensive over stuff that you swear is “really no big deal?
If it’s no big deal, where’s all the emotion coming from?
5. Could it be there are people who more concerned about the direction of your life than you are?
6. Are you responding to their concerns about where you are heading with statements that simply describe where you are now?
Remember Andy’s point: Attention established direction, which determines destination!
Don’t run from the questions.  Find another man in your life who you trust and put your life under the microscope of accountability. It will be worth it in the end. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Ruth; Psalm 89:30-52; Proverbs 7

Compass Pointers: This righteous free love has its origin in the bosom of the Father, where the only begotten has his dwelling. It is not produced by anything out of God himself. It was man's evil not his good, that called it forth. It was not the drawing to the like, but to the unlike; it was light attracted by darkness, and life by death. It does not wait for our seeking, it comes unasked as well as undeserved. It is not our faith that creates it or calls it up; our faith realizes it as already existing in its divine and manifold fullness. Whether we believe it or not, this righteous grace exists, and exists for us. Unbelief refuses it; but faith takes it, rejoices in it, and lives upon it. Horatius Bonar

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 14:29; Level 2: Proverbs 14:25-30

Anchored to the Rock: When we lose sight of God, we become hard and dogmatic. We throw our petitions at His throne and dictate to Him what we want Him to do. We don’t worship God, nor do we seek to conform our minds to the mind of Christ. And if we are hard toward God, we will become hard toward other people. – Oswald Chambers

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