Friday, March 11, 2011

Who Said You Can Sing?


“Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout. For the word of the Lord is right, and all His works are trustworthy.” Psalm 33:3-4

When you were awakened this morning
Was it with a little pain?
Did you find that your picnic was cancelled By another day of rain?
And as you faced another morning
When every thing seemed to go wrong,
So that no matter how hard you tried
You just could not sing another song!

When I was just a little boy, my heart was full of joy Because I could sing in the Christmas choir.
I could not wait for that special moment of song How the music would that dark day inspire!
But my little heart was broken
As I heard these words spoken,
“Who told you that you can sing?”

And now when I am alone in my room
And I start to hum a tune
Or when I whistle as I walk down the street In my head these words repeat, “Who told you that you can sing?”

Yet I have found from the depths of my soul That what happens to me I can not control But although my thoughts are still reeling I can control what I am feeling If I can just find a song to sing

In church I would try to sing softly, it’s true, Because every one said that is what I should do.
But when I would think of the words on the page And the music would suddenly my heart engage (“Who told me I could sing?”)

It was not the choir director or my sisters in the pew It was not those who heard me sing a song so new It was not the preacher or the sexton or the kids in school Sometimes, when I realize that I am singing, I feel like a fool (“Who said that I can sing?”)

You can read your Bible every day
And learn, like Daniel, how to pray
But when you finish you must raise
Your voice aloud in songs of praise.

So if I sing so loud that I could raise the dead Remember that it was God who said,
“Yes, even you can sing!”    (Psalm 33:3-4) – Pastor Van is a friend of America’s Keswick and will serve this summer as our Campus Pastor

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Deuteronomy 1-2; Psalm 66; Proverbs 11

Compass Pointers: I am a committed to-the-death devoted follower of Jesus Christ. I am not a mere 'fan' who will walk away when I don't like what he asks me to do or when my 'self' disagrees with his solution to a problem in my life. Katherine Walden

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 10:9; Level 2: Proverbs 10:27-32

Anchored to the Rock: Public prayer is no evidence of piety. It is practiced by an abundance of hypocrites. But private prayer is a thing for which the hypocrite has no heart. C. H. Spurgeon

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