Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Psalm 63 -- A Paraphrase

Psalm 63 – A Paraphrase

Just a reminder that we have Men’s Fellowship this Thursday evening, March 10th. Pastor Tony Cuellar, from Vineland, NJ, will be our guest Bible teacher. Call today for reservations. 732-350-1187.

For those of you who are reading through the Bible with me, the Psalm for today is Psalm 63. It is a very powerful one, and I want to share with you a paraphrase of this Psalm, from the book Out of His Heart, by Ward Patterson.

O God, I acknowledge YOU as my God,
            I am Yours,
            And You are mine.
I long to know You intimately,
            Like a thirsty, wanderer craves water
            In a dry and desolate land.
I yearn to meditate upon Your greatness
            And observe Your power and glory.
Life to me is a precious gift,
            But Your love is even more precious to me than life.

I will praise You with the words of my mouth.
            I will lift up my hands to You in adoration.
I will honor and bless Your name.

You satisfy every need of my life.
            You bring expressions of joy
            And gladness to my lips.
            You lighten my heart
            With the exaltation of praise.
How pleasant it is to fill my thoughts with You
            As I recline on my bed at night.
How good it is to remember Your love
            While I lie in wait for the morning.

You are my helper in every difficulty,
            The source of all my joy,
            The provider of solace and satisfaction.
I can’t get enough of You.
My whole being years for communion with You.
I want to experience a steadfast closeness with You.
I know that I am nothing without Your presence in my life.

You reach down to steady me when I am weak;
            You take me in hand and guide me with Your strength.
I can lean on You, depend on You, confide in You, turn to You, rest in You.

No danger can threaten me.
            Those who seek to ruin me
            Will themselves be ruined.
            They will go down in defeat
            Before Your justice and power.

I have such abundant reasons to rejoice, O God!
Help me to praise You with exuberance and unbounded joy!

What a powerful paraphrase of this Psalm. Take some time today to reread the Psalm, and make it your prayer back to Him today! Are you praising Him with exuberance and unbounding joy today? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Numbers 31-32; Psalm 63; Proverbs 8

Compass Pointers: My spirit has become dry because it forgets to feed on You.
John Of The Cross

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Psalm 10:9; Level 2: Psalm 10:27-32

Anchored to the Rock: How hard it is to pray against besetting sin. William Tiptaft

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