Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day -- Love Demonstrated

Valentine’s Day

Love Demonstrated

            Hallmark Card Company has caused us to celebrate Valentine’s Day by asking others to love us. I have never seen a card declaring our love freely towards another.

In school, the teacher often allowed us, in the lower grades, to pass out paper cards that asked another to become our valentine. I always waited with great dread for someone to ask me or give me one of those little heart candies. How happy I would become with even one card.

            Love is an interesting thing. Someone must start the cycle. One must take the risk of loving another. Only then can another love the one who starts the circle.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrate his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Too many people are looking for someone to love them (even to love unconditionally) but they do not seem to be looking for someone for them to love.
If we respond to His Great Love by first receiving it and then returning it from our own hearts we will find our love for Him growing. First from our hearts then our souls with our mind and strength following.

Mark 12:30  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. If you have a time of loneliness, try giving, since love always expresses itself in giving.

            Thank you. Lord, for loving us
                        And giving us your greatest gift
            Just the very thought of it
                        Gives our hearts a lift
            May I risk loving others
                        As you risked loving me
Until they can find, as I found
            A love that sets one free. – Pastor Van is a friend of the ministry of America’s Keswick and still actively doing pulpit supply in his “retirement” years
GPS – God’s Positioning System: Leviticus 5-7; Psalm 41; Proverbs 14

Compass Pointers: God isn't angry at His people and won't be angry at anyone who comes to Him. Our sin is big...and God's grace is bigger. It's okay to trust God because He never makes mistakes. You can laugh and sing and be free, because the Son makes you free. You don't become faithful in order to get loved and get are already free and loved and that is why it's possible to be faithful. Steve Brown

Navigation Rules to Memorize: Level 1: Proverbs 7:1-2; Level 2: Proverbs 7:1-6

Anchored to the Rock: The sin of failing to come to God in prayer is one of the most common offences a Christian commits. Simon J. Kistermaker

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