Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Mind Your Own Business

Mind Your Business

“But we encourage you brothers, to do so even more, to seek to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands …” I Thessalonians 4:10-11

Yesterday I shared the above verse with you and we talked about Jonathan Sperry and how he molded a quiet life. I hope you identified some of those people in your life.

I love how Paul cuts right to the chase and gave this admonition: mind your own business! What he is really saying is “doesn’t be a busybody.”

You’ve met them. They have the spiritual gift of getting into everybody’s business and seem to thrive on it. Remember the sitcom character, Mrs. Kravitz? She was so into making sure she knew everything about her neighbors. It was almost like she had bugged their house to gain her information.

Most times we think of the women being busybodies. But I have met some men who are really good at it. They feel the need to be in the know. Sometimes they use the “how can I pray for you” to pump you for the information they hunger for.

And it doesn’t take long for us to know when we are around a busybody – sooner or later we find ourselves navigating away from them.

Paul wants us to lead simple, quiet lives and to mind our own business. It doesn’t mean we don’t care for people. But sometimes we really spin our wheels trying to keep up on things that we really don’t need to be bothered with.

Maybe you struggle with this issue in your life. Well guess what, repent. Run to the cross. And through Christ learn this principle – mind your own business. You will be much happier and maybe have more time to really care about the people that God brings across your path. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Exodus 10-12; Psalm 29; Proverbs 2

Compass Pointers: You who have yielded so readily to your friend's persuasion and have joined him in doing wrong, you know not how many times a very little resistance would have saved both him and yourself. You know not how many times he was hesitating already and would have drawn back altogether if you had but given him an opening to do so. You know not how often at the very time he was arguing with you, he was in reality arguing against his own conscience and might have been turned back with ease if you had not given way. Frederick Temple

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 5:21; Level 2: Proverbs 5: 15-21

Anchored to the Rock: No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it. ~Guy H. King

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