Thursday, February 24, 2011

Confidence in the Promises of God


“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24

I shared this devotional back in 2006 and came across it again in my reading through Streams in the Desert (Zondervan). I need to be reminded of this truth this morning.

"When my little son was about ten years old, his grandmother promised him a stamp collecting album for Christmas. Christmas came and went with no stamp album and no word from Grandma. The matter, however, was not mentioned, until his friends came to see his Christmas presents. I was astonished, after he had listed all the gifts he had received, to hear him add, 'And a stamp album from my grandmother.'

After hearing this several times, I called my son to m and said, 'But George, you didn't get a stamp album from Grandma. Why did you say that?' With a puzzled look on his face, as if I had asked a very strange question, he replied, 'Well, Mom, Grandma SAID, and that is the same AS.' Not a word would sway his faith.

A month passed and nothing else was said about the album. Finally one day, to test his faith and because I wondered in my own heart why the album had not been sent, I said, 'George, I think Grandma has forgotten her promise.' 'Oh no, Mom,' he quickly and firmly responded. 'She hasn't.'

I watched his sweet, trusting, face, which for a while looked very serious, as if he were debating the possibility I had suggested. Soon his face brightened as he said, 'Do you think it would do any good for me to write Grandma, thanking her for the album?' 'I don't know,' I said, 'but you might try it.' A rich spiritual truth then began to dawn on me.

In a few minutes a letter was written and mailed, as George went off whistling his confidence in his grandma. Soon a letter from Grandma arrived with this message:

My dear George,

I have not forgotten my promise to you for a stamp album. I could not find the one you wanted here, so I ordered one from New York. It did not arrive until after Christmas, and it was not the right one. I then ordered another, but it still has not arrived. I have decided to send you thirty dollars instead so that you may buy the one you want in Chicago.

Your loving Grandma.

As he read the letter, his face was the face of a victor. From the depths of a heart that NEVER doubted came the words, 'Now Mom, didn't I tell you?' George, 'against all hope . . .  in hope believed.' (Romans
8:14) that the stamp album would come. And while he was trusting, Grandma was working, and in due time faith became sight.

It is only human to want to SEE before we step out on the promises of God. Yet our Savior said to doubting Thomas and to a long list of doubters who have followed, 'BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN AND YET BELIEVED." (John 20:29)

Is there something that you need to trust God for this week? Turn to Him and believe. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

God’s Positioning System: Numbers 3-4; Psalm 51; Proverbs 24

Compass Pointers: Our circumstances are not an accurate reflection of God's goodness. Whether life is good or bad, God's goodness, rooted in His character, is the same. Helen Grace Lescheid

Navigation Rules to Memorize:  Level 1: Proverbs 8:13; Level 2: Proverbs 8:32-36

Anchored to the Rock: Beware in your prayer above everything of limiting God, not only by unbelief but by fancying that you know what he can do. Andrew Murray

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