Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Threefold Victory

“… fashioned like unto his glorious body…” (Philippians. 3:20-21)

Today’s Freedom Fighter comes from the pen of Pastor Bob Alderman, a popular speaker at America’s Keswick. He is man who I deeply admire and respect:

            The motto of America’s Keswick states that it is a place and a ministry “where God speaks to hearts and transforms lives.”  Through the years thousands have come to Keswick with such a desire, a need and an expectation.  Many have heard the message of hope and have expressed hope in the message.  Some have asked – “What is the key to a transformed life?  Is there such a thing as a victorious life?” Others have referred to “the formula” for such a changed and victorious life as “a secret.”

            For some the “victorious life” appears to be a mystery solved by only a few.  Yet “victory” is the theme of our Bible and the provision of our Lord.  Examine our verses for the day as an illustration.

            “For our conversation (citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for
the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself.” (Phil. 3:20-21)

            Here is a threefold victory. First, our Lord shall “change our vile body.”  We may have difficulty in acknowledging that our body is vile, that it is humiliated to the degree of such serious need.  We may have difficulty in understanding that our Lord can in fact change such a body. We may call it a “key” but it is certainly no “secret,” that acknowledging both our need and His provision are essential to victorious living.

            Secondly, our Lord shall “fashion” our new body “…like unto His glorified body….” The design of our life belongs to Him. That must be our expectation and our willingness.  We must cooperate but not dictate.  When He begins to perfect the changes inherent in our redemption and along the lines of His design, we must give to Him our Will but not our opinion.

            Thirdly, our Lord shall “subdue” our changed body – and “all things unto Himself.” If we are to have victory now we acknowledge our de-crowning in submission to His subduing. That is grace on His part, yieldingness on ours, and victory in all. – Pastor Bob Alderman is the Minister-at-Large, Shenandoah Baptist, Roanoke, VA

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Genesis 25-26; Proverbs 20; Psalm 19:1-6

Compass Pointers: Sins are like circles in the water when a stone is thrown into it; one produces another. When anger was in Cain's heart, murder was not far off. Philip Henry

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 3:1-2; Level 2: Proverbs 3:1-11

Anchored to the Rock: Other duties become pressing and absorbing and crowd out prayer. ‘Choked to death’ would be the coroner’s verdict in many cases of dead praying if an inquest could be secured on this dire, spiritual calamity. – E. M. Bounds

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