Sunday, January 23, 2011

Living a Life of Worship


“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;” (Psalm 95:6)

            Can you imagine how bland worship would be if it meant that we merely showed up at church on Sunday morning, dressed just right, smiling as we go in, observing people going through the motions of the program, the choir sings, preacher speaks and of course we collect a little money - what a mundane experience that would be week after week.  I am so grateful that God desires so much more for us.  In fact I believe that all of life is a worship service. 

            Some miscellaneous thoughts on worship:

1)  Worship takes preparation – Psalm 24:3-4; Psalm 51
2)  Worship has an audience of One – Psalm 63:1-5
3)  Worship is active, not passive – Psalm 95:1-6; Psalm 96; Psalm 100
            Psalm 46:10 (Be still… that’s is an interesting action)
4)  Worship requires living a life of obedience – Romans 12:1-2
5)  Worship is a choice – we don’t always feel like worshipping.  Acts 16 is the story of Paul and Silas in prison -- they prayed and sang despite their circumstances.

            When we rehearse and remember all that Christ has done for us, and appreciate the fact that He desires to have a personal relationship with us, our life is so much more meaningful when we actively spend TIME with Him – not just on Sunday, but Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Warren Weirsbe said “When the heart is set upon God, true worship will not depend upon outward stimulus, it will be in constant progress.  Exhortations like “Pray without ceasing,” and “Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually,” or “All you do in word and deed, do to the glory of God,” will take on their intended meaning.  This means that all of life becomes a worship service. 

              If Christians were devotedly practicing this lifestyle, a corporate service could not miss being a great blessing, for it would simply be a continuation of a worship service begun days, (or weeks or months) before.” – Robert Hayes is Director of Program Ministries at America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Genesis 32-34; Proverbs 23; Psalm 21

Compass Pointers: Self, service, substance is the divine order, and nothing counts until we give ourselves. Vance Havner

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 4:18; Level 2: Proverbs 4:20-27

Anchored to the Rock: The little estimate that we put on prayer is evident from the time we give to it. E. M. Bounds

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