Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Can't Do It -- And Other Excuses

I Can’t Do It – And Other Excuses

“As the dear pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.” Psalm 42:1-2; Psalm 63:1

By the way … today is 11111! J
I have been getting comments for the past couple days from people who have decided to bail out already on the 2011 Bible Reading Plan. I want to be careful here not to sound judgmental I realize that this year’s plan takes commitment. So from the outset, I am not judging.

But I do want to say this – if there was ever a time that we needed to make a commitment to the Word of God – there is no time like today!!!  We cannot thrive and survive without spending time in the Word with the Lord, and especially daily.

Here are some of the things I have had people say:

1. It is too much reading for one day! – Do you read the newspaper? Do you read email? Do you play computer Solitaire? Farmville, or whatever other media games that suck time from our schedules? If that is the case, why can’t we spend 10-15 minutes in the Word. How many of us can just play one came of computer Solitaire? The bottom line guys, is that we do what we want to do.

2. Too much? There is no reason that you have to read all of the days passages. You would profit from reading just Proverbs, or the Psalms or the Chronological readings. We aren’t talking about being so legalistic that we can flex with the plan. The point is having your soul hunger and thirst for more of Him. Once you start, my guess is that it will create in your soul a hunger for more.

3. I can’t find my paper. Well that excuse is shot too. Each day at the bottom of Freedom Fighter, I list the Bible reading passages for the day! Nice try! J

4. I have a hard time concentrating. Read the passage out loud. Go on the internet and get a Bible reading plan. I’ve made it easy for you. Here are some links: http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/audio/; http://www.audio-bible.com/bible/bible.html; http://www.audio-bible.com/nasb/index.html. Grab your Bible and follow along. If you have an Iphone, Itouch or Ipad, there are a number of good applications to use.

The bottom time is this. The enemy of your soul does not want you to read the Word. He’d rather you play Farmville, Solitaire, or better yet, just throw in the towel. That would be a great victory for him. Don’t let him win! Be more than a conqueror in this area of your walk with the Lord. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Job 29-31; Proverbs 11; Psalm 11

Compass Pointers: What we are is much more important to Him than what we do for Him. We mean far more to God than the work we do. Alan Redpath

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 2:6-7; Level 2: Proverbs 2:1-11

Anchored to the Rock: Too many people pray like boys who knock at doors, then run away.

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