Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Readest Thou?

How Readest Thou?

“Happy are those who keep His decrees and seek Him with all their heart.” Psalm 119:2

For most of my early years, I never read the directions when putting something together. Who needs the directions? Men don’t need ‘em and we don’t ask for them.

Ultimately I would end up either having to start the project over, or end up with a couple of key pieces and blame it on the company for sending those extras! What a waste.

God has provided us the most inclusive handbook for life – His precious Word. It contains everything we will ever need to get us from point A to point B, from here to glory.

I read this little poem about the Word of God:

It is one thing to read the Bible through,
Another thing to read to learn and do.
Some read it as a duty once a week,
But no instruction from the Bible seek;
Some read to bring themselves into repute,
By showing others how they can dispute;
While others read because their neighbors do,
To see how long ‘twill take to read it through.
Some read it for the wonders that are there,
How David killed a lion and a bear;
While others read it with uncommon care,
Hoping to find some contradictions there.

One reads with father’s specs upon his head,
And sees the thing just as his father said.
Some read to prove a pre-adopted creed,
Hence understand but little that they read;
For every passage in the Book they bend,
To make it suit that all-important end.

Some people read, as I have often thought,
To teach the Bible instead of being taught;
And some there are who read it out of spite;
I fear there but few who read it right.

So many people in the latter days,
Have read the Bible in so many ways,
That few can tell which system is the best,
For every part contradicts the rest.
But read it prayerfully, and you will see,
Although men contradict, God’s words agree;
For what the early Bible prophets wrote,
We find that Christ and His apostle’s quote,
So trust no creed that trembles to recall
What has been penned by one and verified by all!

So why are YOU reading God’s Word today? – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick and with you on the journey

GPS – God’s Positioning System: Job 35-37; Proverbs 13; Psalm 13

Compass Pointers: Even while confined to this earth, you can be confident that your Father is watching over you. The devil took away Job's purse and left him temporarily destitute, but Job had a God in heaven who replenished his account. As a saint, you have some collateral: your stock of faith, and your deed of inheritance as a citizen of heaven. These are great security both now and for the future. Satan knows it, and will do his best to snatch them away from you. But no matter how hard he tries...he cannot annul your faith, make void your relationship with God, or dry up the spring of your comfort though he may dam up the stream for awhile. William Gurnall

Navigation Rules: Level 1: Proverbs 2:6-7; Level 2: Proverbs 2:1-11

Anchored to the Rock: No man can pray scripturally who prays selfishly. – John Blanchard

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