Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just Give Me Jesus (Part 1)

Just Give Me Jesus

“The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14 Holman Christian Standard Bible

A number of years I read Ann Graham Lotz’s book, Just Give Me Jesus. She has an amazing way of sharing truth, and so on this Lord’s day and this week, I want to share with you some of the amazing truths that she shares about our Savior and Lord. Her thoughts are taken from a message by the late Dr. S. M. Lockeridge:

Jesus Makes God Visible
He is enduringly strong.
He is entirely sincere.
He is eternally steadfast.
He is immortally gracious.
He is imperially powerful.
He is impartially merciful.
He is the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizons of the globe.

He is God’s Son.
He is the sinner’s Savior.
He is the captive’s Ransom.
He is the Breath of Life.
He is the centerpiece of civilization
He stands in the solitude of Himself.

He is august and He is unique.
He is unparalleled and He is unprecedented.
He is undisputed and He is undefiled.
He is unsurpassed and He is unshakable.

He is the lofty idea in philosophy.
He is the highest personality in psychology.
He is the supreme subject in literature.
He is the unavoidable problem in higher criticism.
He is the fundamental doctrine of theology.
He is the Cornerstone, the Capstone, and the stumbling Stone of all religion.
He is the miracle of the ages!  (from Just Give Me Jesus – Word)

That is just one aspect of this wonderful Jesus that we worship on this Lord’s Day! Jesus is the One who makes our God visible! – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: God sometimes marvelously raiseth the souls of his saints with some close and near approaches unto them -- gives them a sense of His eternal love, a taste of the embraces of His Son and the inhabitation of the Spirit, without the least intervening disturbance; and then this is their assurance. But this life is not a season to be always taking wages in; our work is not yet done; we are not always to abide in this mount; we must down again into the battle -- fight again, cry again, complain again. Shall the soul be thought now to have lost its assurance? Not at all. It had before assurance with joy, triumph, and exultation; it hath it now, or may have, with wrestling, cries, tears, and supplications. And a man's assurance may be as good, as true, when he lies on the earth with a sense of sin, as when he is carried up to the third heaven with a sense of love and foretaste of glory. John Owen

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 15:16; Level 2: Matthew 7:7-11

Determined Praying:  Praying without faith is like shooting without a bullet; it makes noise but does no execution. Francis Burkitt

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