Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Special Orders of God

The Special Orders of God

“And the ransomed of the Lord will return, and come with joyful shouting to Zion, with everlasting joy upon their heads. They will find gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” Isaiah 35:10

We are having some trouble with Blogger at the moment, so I apologize that you may not have received two Freedom Fighters in your email. I believe the problem has been corrected. If for some reason you stop receiving Freedom Fighters, the easiest fix is to go to our home page ( and sign up again.

Today’s Freedom Fighter devotional was very timely for me personally. It is from one of my favorite devotional tools, Daily with the King published by our good friends at Moody Press:

I must remember that as a disciple of Jesus Christ I am always under “special order.” “For He gives His angels [special] orders regarding you to protect you wherever you go.” (Psalm 91:11 – Berkley) Those special orders are so minute and particular that they prevent my stepping on a stone the wrong way (vs. 12). I may argue, therefore, from the minute to the gigantic, and say that if God has given orders to protect me from pebbles, He most certainly will protect me from greater sources of danger.

The world constantly advises me, “Keep your head!” Good advice, indeed. But God advises me, “Keep your feet!” and He even provides the wherewithal by which I protect them. If I make the Lord my “help” (Psalm 121:2), then I am guaranteed the promise, “He will not allow your foot to slip” (vs.3). As Oswald Chambers says, “God will tax the furthest star to fulfill His promise,” and He will use any means to keep my feet from falling.

To be under special orders is not the same as to be under “sealed” orders. The special order is someone else’s responsibility for me, the sealed order is my responsibility to Christ’s command. Special orders are assigned to angels or to human beings. Angels are assigned to protect me from physical harm. Occasionally God will assign a human being to protect and comfort me, as Barnabas did with Paul.

I am surrounded by protection; I am not alone; I live under the constant “watch care” of a thousand eyes and tender hearts, all assigned the task of bringing me safely to my destination. They encamp around me and have one objective in mind – my safe deliverance! (Psalm 34:7)

Are you thankful for the special orders of God this morning? Are you thankful for His care and protection? Maybe you’ve taken that for granted. Tell Him this morning how thankful you are for His care for you. – Bill Welte is President and CEO of America’s Keswick

Dig This Quote: We never shall be revived until we feel our absolute and entire dependence on God. Edward D. Griffin

Determined Digging: Level 1: John 7:38; Isaiah 9:6-8

Determined Praying: When you kneel to pray, don’t give orders! Report for duty!

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