Saturday, October 02, 2010

Never, Never, Never, Never

God has said, “Never(never) will I leave you; never(never, never) will I forsake you.  Hebrews 13:5
Take courage my Friends.                                                                                         Why do we need courage? How can we take courage? Where do you find courage?
We need Courage because the world around us can only discourage us. There are problems that we cannot solve by ourselves. The wisest of this world cannot lift the curtain of doubt and despair. Here is the Bible’s solution, “God has said.”
If God said it, that settles it. It does not depend upon whether I believe it or not. If God said it, it is true. You can trust Him. And He said five times I will never, never, never, never, never leave you. How much more forceful could He be.
Now when Jesus was facing His darkest hour before the cross, He struggled with His own will. He had always done His Father’s will but He never obeyed because His will was the same as His Father’s. But as a human being, He had to learn to OBEY.
The three things that most people fear are death, pain, and embarrassment. He faced all of these on His cross. He could obey for He could trust His Father to stay with Him
His Father forsook Him! What agony when He was forsaken by His Father!
Now we needed to be reassured that God would NEVER forsake us.
A soul winner, I knew, told of meeting a young lady seeking salvation. He asked, “Do you know a Bible verse?”
She replied, “Yes, John 3:16. I learned it in Daily Vacation Bible School” “For God so loved the world that He gave His only forgotten Son.”
Instead of correcting her, he asked “Why did God forget His Son?”
“I’ve always wondered why.” She said
“So He could never forget you.”  

With the promise in Hebrews 13 we are assured that the God, who has promised to never leave us, never will!

Have you ever wanted to go where you should not go, look where you should not look or do what you should not do? Remember that He is always with you. You can never be alone
A former pharmacist turned hymn-writer, Charles Austin Miles (1868-1946) (is perhaps best known for the gospel song, "In The Garden.") caught this thought in his hymn, If Jesus goes with me, I’ll go anywhere!
If Jesus goes with me, I’ll go anywhere!’
Tis heaven to me, where’er I may be, if He is there!
I count it a privilege here, His cross to bear,
If Jesus goes with me, I’ll go anywhere! 

Pastor Van served as Campus this summer at America's KESWICK and is a frequent Freedom Fighter contributor

Dig This Quote: God doesn't have favorites, but He does have intimates. -- Michael Catt

Determined Digging: Level 1: Habakkuk 3:18-19
Level 2: Psalm 137: 17-22

Determined Praying: Our job is to pray; God's job is to answer. Our job is to ask, seek and knock; God's job is to open. Our job is to respond properly when God reveals Himself. -- 
Michael Catt

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