Wednesday, October 06, 2010

All Things Are Pure

All Things Are Pure

To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. Titus 1:15

I read this devotional this morning by Dr. Henry Blackaby and wanted to share it with you. It was one that I shared with you back in 2006, but it is worth repeating:

[Our] heart's condition will be expressed through [our] lives. It will be evident by our attitudes, our words, and our behavior. Jesus said that you can clearly see others ONLY when our own eyes are unobstructed (Mark 6:42). If our vision is hindered by sin, we will not look at others properly.

If our heart is pure, we will approach life without malice. We will not question the motives of everyone around us; we will not doubt the truth of everything others tell us; we will not look for faults in others.
Instead, we will look for the good in others, finding what is praiseworthy. We will not be naive or gullible, but we will seek what is good rather than what is evil. If our heart is pure, we will see others the way GOD sees them (Matthew 6:22).

If our heart is defiled, EVERYTHING with which we are involved will seem as corrupt as well. We will assume evil motives in others because we know what we would do given the same circumstances. We will be cynical about what we hear because our own words are deceitful. We will be drawn to evil people and evil things.

How do you look at the words and actions of others? Are you critical of them? Are you judgmental? If so, ask God to purify your heart. Once He has, you will be free to see yourself and others as God does.

Wow! Pretty convicting for me this morning. How about you? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 6; Isaiah 28-29; Philippians 3

Dig This Quote: “The Gospel is God’s explosive power that changes everything. The gospel makes us Christians…. God forgives your sin, declares you righteous in Christ, gives you eternal life, adopts you as His child, and ushers you into an intimate relationship with Himself, through the Holy Spirit. Secondly, the gospel grows us. The gospel is not merely the way we enter, it is the way we make all progress…it is the ‘way of righteousness from first to last.’… Since the gospel not only makes us Christians, but also grows us as Christians, the most desperate need of both unbelievers and believers... is to hear and appropriate the Gospel to their lives. Thirdly, the gospel empowers us to serve…with a whole new motivational structure…setting us free to love and serve unconditionally in response to God’s grace in Christ”. Dick Kaufmann

Determined Digging: Level 1: Zephaniah 3:17; Level 2: Psalm 139:23-24 Determined Praying: No answer to prayer is an indication of our merit; every answer to prayer is an indication of God's mercy.

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