Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today is HIS Day

Today is HIS Day

This is not your day, brothers -- this is HIS day. Are you eager to worship Him with like minded brothers and sisters in Christ?

Dr. Leslie Brandt wrote this paraphrase of Psalm 122 and 123 which helps set my heart in the right direction for worship today:

How good it is to enter the sanctuary of the Lord! I know that God is not confined within man's four-walled creations, nor is He attached to altars and brass symbols.
And yet, in the beauty and quietness of God's house I find His presence very real and fulfilling.

God is with me and about me even as I make my way through the concrete and steel jungles of the cold and unfriendly city.

He is present even behind the anonymous faces of the rushing crowds elbowing their way to their respective destinations. I find Him in the hearts and lives of His children who infiltrate the urban masses and who are running His errands and fulfilling His purposes in the course of their daily duties.

I cannot outrun or evade my God. He goes before me and follows closely behind me. He will keep me and sustain me where ever I am.

And yet I rejoice as I enter His sanctuary and mingle with those who honor His name and seek His grace. There, shielded from the screaming tensions and ear-splitting sounds of the city, in the company of those who love one another, I happily open my heart to the loving mercy of God.

Take some time this morning to prepare your heart for worship. Sit still. Quiet yourself. Look forward to spending time with Him in praise, worship and adoration. He is your Audience of One. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Dig This Quote: In the clash of civilizations, the West seems bent on unilateral disarmament -- that is, unless people are willing to risk being ostracized by their neighbours who have a badly misshapen notion of tolerance. But that s exactly what Christians are called to do -- speak the truth in love. Charles (Chuck) Colson

Determined Digging: Level 1: Nahum 1:7; Level 2: Psalm 139:13-16

Determined Praying: There is nothing that makes us love a man so much as praying for him. William Law

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