Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Money -- God's GPS

Money -- God's GPS

Over the Labor Day weekend, we had a small family reunion in North Carolina. We had a great time! Everything went very smoothly, including our trip to and from NC.

But without the little GPS we had available, I am sure things would have been different. It wasn't the fact that we had the GPS, it was the fact that we listened to the GPS. We have always had maps, but I very seldom used them. They stay neatly folded in my glove compartment. Somewhere in Basic Manhood 101 I learned that men never used maps. Using a GPS is ok, but real men can have nothing to do with maps.

Many times in my life, I am afraid that the money God has given me was more like my maps and less like my GPS. It was never used to see which direction I should go.

Sometimes God wants us to wait. Galatians 6:9 says "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary." One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 40:31 which lists some of the blessings of waiting on God's timing and not ours.

But on the other hand, sometimes God wants us to go forward. Philippians 4:19 says "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus". Not only does God supply our needs, but many times He supplies more than our needs. Psalm 23:1 and Matthew 7:11 are just two verses that indicate God supplies more than just our needs.
So how do we know if God wants us to go forward or wait upon Him?

To answer that question, we need to put ourselves in God's position for just a minute. Remember that God owns everything and we are just stewards or managers of the money He has given us. He can give us as much or as little as He wants to. We know that He loves us and wants the very best for us. So wouldn't money be a logical way for God to show His direction to us? If He wants us to go forward, He provides. If He wants us to wait, He withholds. Yes, God uses money to provide direction in our lives.

No wonder God discourages debt. For many Christians, not only has debt put them in bondage as Proverbs 22:7 warns, it has allowed them to ignore God's direction.

For example; suppose we think we need a car. We find a nice used car for $10,000. Now suppose God knows that car will take our attention off Him or lead us into a relationship that would not be pleasing to Him. Or suppose God knows the car has bad brakes. Wouldn't it make sense for God to withhold the resources for us to buy the car? But what do we do, we go out and get a loan and buy the car anyway.

Here is a statement that more and more I believe is accurate. At best, borrowing reflects a lack of faith; at worst, it blocks God's direction in our lives. The statement may be strong, but I do believe it is accurate.

Not only does God use money to demonstrate His faithfulness, show us how much we need Him, draw us to Himself and unify the church, but God also uses money to give us direction. Just like my GPS directed us to NC this weekend, God's money can direct us to the center of His will. -- George Hutchison is Board member of America's KESWICK and an instructor for Crown Financial

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 14; Proverbs 19-21; 2 Corinthians 7

Dig This Quote: Endurance is the ability to continue toward a goal regardless of the obstacles. Patience is the ability to stand firm against opposition without giving up. Endurance is often used in relation to difficult circumstances; patience is often used in describing one's dealings with difficult people. We all need endurance and patience!

Determined Digging: Level 1: Micah 6:8; Level 2: Psalm 139: 7-12

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