Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lessons Learned This Summer -- Worship

Lessons Learned This Summer -- Worship

Here is another lesson I learned this summer -- we can worship as one even though we have different preferences and convictions.

That is really what it should be like in the body of Christ. I really don't like the term being used today, "worship wars." Worship and War should never, never, no never, be combined.

Well let clarify that -- in the O.T. there were times when the choir directors and choir were the advance team in battle. The Psalms mention that worship and praise is used in spiritual warfare. But those reference refer to us fighting an enemy not fighting among ourselves.

This summer we had two African American Bible teachers share the week. Their preaching style was slightly different than our "white" preachers -- bit guess what -- everyone got along just fine! The preaching was lively and there were times of clapping our hands to the Lord, times of shouting "Amen," and times of great rejoicing. And I thought to myself, "Yes! This is what it is supposed to be like!"

Note that I didn't say anything about the music! We did "white" music, and our African American brothers and sisters worshiped with us. But the preaching was the focus of my statement. Worship isn't just about music and styles of music. Worship INCLUDES the proclamation of God's Word too.

As believers we need to be very careful that our preferences and convictions don't become the absolutes of Scripture. One day "every tongue, tribe and nation" will gather together to worship "the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world!" I am not sure what that will look like -- does that mean that heaven will include your preferred style of music? Or will it be that because of our new bodies and new minds that we will be more tolerant of other styles.

Or just maybe for once, our focus in worship will be the right focus -- we really won't notice the style, loudness, or even the beautiful sounds of worship. For I believe in that day, the only thing that will matter will be WHO we are worshipping. I believe that one look at His dear face will be all we need to truly worship -- our Audience of One! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 12; Proverbs 13-15; 2 Corinthians 5

Dig This Quote: We have a Shepherd who cannot fall. We have a Shepherd who cannot die. He is no hireling who abandons his flock at the first sign of trouble. Our Shepherd is armed with omnipotent force. He is not threatened by the valley of shadows. He created the valley. He redeems the valley. R. C. Sproul

Determined Digging: Level 1: Michah 6:8; Level 2: Psalm 139:7-12

Determined Praying: There is nothing outside the reach of prayer except that which is outside the will of God or the Word of God. -- Michael Catt

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