Tuesday, September 07, 2010

God Knows Everything

God Knows Everything

"Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? Jeremiah 23:24

I have shared with you before that one of the big disconnects of life is that we have lost the "fear of the Lord." Bill Gothard defines the fear of the Lord like this: "God knows, weighs, and sees, every one of my thoughts, deeds, words and actions!" We forget that GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING.

Today's devotional taken from VOICES FROM THE PAST (Banner of Truth) is written by Puritan Stephen Charnock. It puts this truth into perspective for us, brothers:

God knows all that is done in the most secret caverns of the heart. No place is derived of His presence. Though reason and Scripture declare it, we cannot conceive it. He is not measured by time nor limited by space. He is from the height of heavens to the bottom of the sea, and in every point of the world.

He upholds his creatures by His power, and knows them by His wisdom. There is no space, not the least, where God is not wholly present with His whole substance. How much of this attribute is forgotten!

We tend to believe it, but many live as if He were not present. Men commit sin in the presence of God, which they would be ashamed to do before the eyes of men. What does this really say but that God is not present with us. How terrible should the thought of this attribute be to sinners! How foolish to imagine any hiding place from the incomprehensible God.

"The eyes of the Lord are in EVERY place, keeping watch on the evil and the good" (Proverbs 15:3). He lies in the depths of our soul, and sees our designs before we have even conceived them. This is a shield against temptation. "God is present," is enough to blunt the weapons of hell. It will secure us from vile attractions, and curb the head-strong principle in our nature that would join hands with temptation.

"God is present," is a strong encouragement when tempted to eat the forbidden fruit. What man would speak an unhandsome word in the presence of His commander? The eye of the General inflames the spirit of a soldier. What attitude we might have, if we counted God present in our shops, chambers, walks and in our meetings!

Wow. Men -- that should cause us to really think today! Remember this GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING! How will you then live? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 7; Proverbs 1-2; 1 Corinthians 16

Dig This Quote: Worship is the expression of the Christian believer's relationship with God. However that relationship is very complex, since God is at one and the same time our Creator, Redeemer (through Jesus Christ), Sustainer, Indweller (by the Holy Spirit), Friend, and Judge. It helps to remember that we approach God individually as a created one, a redeemed one, a sustained one, an indwelt one, a befriended one, and a judged one." Don Hustad

Determined Digging: Level 1: Lamentations 3:21-23; Level 2: Psalm 139:1-6

Determined Praying: To pray effectively we must want what God wants -- that and that only is to pray in the will of God. A. W. Tozer

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