Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beware of the F.B. S. R

Beware of the F.B.S.R!!

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”                                                                                                            Matt 5:10-12 (ESV)

Sometime ago I received an e-mail from a very close brother in Christ and a fellow Colony grad asking me to join him on Facebook. It started out to be a way for all of us Colony guys to network with each other so that we may be able to encourage each other or share our struggles. This was and still is a good thing. One of the pros of being on Facebook is getting acquainted with friends of today or getting re-acquainted with friends of yesterday. One of the cons is getting acquainted with friends of today or getting re-acquainted with friends of yesterday. I have recently experienced the later.

I like the part of Facebook that allows you to say in 410 characters or less “What’s on your mind?” I use this feature quite often. Right now I am quoting from the book of Romans, other times have gotten downright silly and have recommended that we all need more “Cowbell” in our lives. My good friend Glen Heavilin has recently asked for a resurgence of the “Cowbell” in our Facebook lives. Maybe in coming month Glen…just maybe. And when it happens I hope that I offend no one. But the “Cowbell” is not where I am going with this. It is the “Ignore” feature that apparently does the offending and I use it quite often.

A name from a yesterday that should have stayed in that yesterday popped up and it wanted to be “Friends”. I went on what I could see on the name’s profile page and saw some very uncool ethnically ugly things about the President of these United States. Now I am not of fan of our President but to the point of posting this kind of stuff, nah I ain’t doin’ that. And I am not having that sort of garbage connected to me via any sort of media or conversation. I ain’t havin’ nuttin’ to do wit it…Period!! And considering this name had brought much controversy to my former life, I wasn’t having anything to do with this name on Facebook at all. So I used the “Ignore” feature. OH BOY did I ever get some hate speech over it.

At one time during the height of my addiction to drugs and alcohol my wife had sought ways to get be rid of me. This name intervened and from what Kathy and I have surmised is that this name prevented the will of God to work at that moment. But God’s will shall be done anyway and what happened at the end of my run happened anyway. But this name did not like my conversion. Oh no and as a matter of fact has continued to this day to try and undermined what I have been shown by God to be a triune Christian way of life. Even to the point of wanting to be acknowledged that they saved me from a fate worse than the frying pan. That my renewed mind is not renewed at all…just brain-washed. That my heart of flesh is truly a heart of stone. And now it is this way simply because I used the “Ignore” feature on Facebook. To God be the Glory!!

Well I ain’t the only one this name went after. Turns out he is one of these “Facebook Self-Righteous” (F.B.S.R) that has used something pretty cool to go on a rampage with family members. They are also receiving some hate speech for His sake. And yes I know some of the family as well. But no matter how much of a “Hell-hound” gets on my trail, I know that what Jesus Christ did for me and that cannot be shaken by any man…or woman for that matter. So I will count it all a joy “when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on My account.” I hope that this morning you are putting your helmet on!! ‘Nough said. -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter

Dig This Quote: 
“God is the just Judge. He will pass righteous judgment. But He will repay according to righteousness. If someone has done wrong and genuinely repents, Jesus’ work at Calvary erases the debt. You may say, “But the wrong was done to me, not to Jesus!” Yes, but you don’t realize the wrong you did to Him. An innocent victim, He bore no guilt while every other human had sinned and was condemned to die. Each one of us has broken laws of God that transcend the laws of the land. All of us should be condemned by the hand of the highest court in the universe if justice is served.” John Bevere

Determined Digging: Level 1: Habakkuk 3:18-19; Level 2: Psalm 139:17-22

Determined Praying: Every great work of God has been done by those who believed God when others said it couldn't be done! -- Michael Catt

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