Sunday, August 29, 2010


Here is a very powerful reading on the subject of worship written by commentator, William Barclay:
It would make a tremendous difference if this congregation would do certain things:
1. When we come to church, we ought to be prepared. There are so few people who make any preparation for worship at all. They have to hurry to get ready; they have to worry down the road; they take their places almost at the last moment; and there is no preparation at all. If every person who comes to church would, before he comes, or even on the road there, think of God for just a moment or two, and say a prayer for himself and for the preacher and the people who will meet in worship, it would make a world of difference.
2. We should come seeking. To come to the services of the church should never be simply a matter of habit, a burden of duty, a hallmark of respectability, the satisfying of a convention. It should be a deliberate attempt to come out of the world and to find contact with God.
One of the great secrets of success in any of the business of life is to know what we want, when we are doing a thing; and when we come to church we should want God.
3. We should come determined to give ALL of ourselves. He who comes to church only to get will, in the end, get nothing. We should come determined to give our interest, our prayer, our devotion, our sympathy. The success of any gathering, the happiness of any party, is always dependent on the people who are prepared to give themselves to the fellowship of the occasion. (Adapted from Responsive Reading from Hymns for the Family of God)
So brothers, will you come prepared to worship today? Come seeking? Come determined to give your all? I think that just might make a difference in your worship today! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Dig This Quote: " The Lord doesn't work in our lives to reveal what great people He is making us into, but He works in our lives to reveal more of His Son in us!"
Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Jeremiah 33:3; Level 2 -- Psalm 128:1-5
Determined Praying: Faith does not grow by being pulled up by the roots time and again to see how it is getting on. Faith grows when we look steadily towards God for the supply of all our needs and concentrate on Him. There is little point in becoming engrossed with our faith as if that were the thing we believed in." J.C. P. Cockerton

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