Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Victory One Step at A Time

VICTORY One Step at a Time

And the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you little by little; you will be unable to destroy them at once, lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you. Deuteronomy 7:22

Next week is our last week of our 2010 summer season. We will conclude the summer with our EXPERIENCING GOD week which begins Sunday evening. A number of our staff and local pastors will be doing the teaching, and we will be going through Dr. Henry Blackaby's EXPERIENCING GOD. We have a limited number of rooms left, so why not call and make your reservation today -- 800-453-7942.

Today's victory devotional was written by Dr. Blackaby in his book EXPERIENCING GOD -- THE DEVOTIONAL (Broadman/Holman):

When God led His people into the Promised Land, He did so step by step. If He had allowed them to annihilate their enemies at once, the land would have been too difficult to manage. So He allowed some of the enemies to remain for a long time in order to maintain the land and suppress the wildlife. In doing so, God taught His people to trust Him step by step. He gave them as much responsibility as they could handle at one time.

As God leads you and me in our Christian growth, He will allows challenges that match your character and relationship to Him. God will not change your character at once when you become a Christian. Rather, He will lead you through a process to become more like His Son.He will keep working in an area of your life until it is controlled by the Holy Spirit.

You may eagerly desire maturity in every area of your character, but steady, gradual growth is more lasting. God will not take shortcuts in His process of making you like Christ. He sees your life from eternity and will take as long as necessary to produce lasting spiritual growth in you.

Do not become impatient while God is producing Christ-likeness in you. Do not seek more responsibilities than those He has give you. Obey all that you know He has asked, and He will lead you at a pace that fits your present character and His purpose for you.

Brothers, I am thankful that God is leading and guiding you and me. What He is offering is victory one step at a time. Praise Him for the way you are experiencing HIM today. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 25; Psalm 119:1-88; 1 Corinthians 7:20-40

Dig This Quote: One of the most wonderful things about knowing God is that there's always so much more to know, so much more to discover. Just when we least expect it, He intrudes into our neat and tidy notions about who He is and how He works. Joni Eareckson Tada

Determined Digging: Level One: Jeremiah 29:11; Level Two: Psalm 127

Determined Praying: Faith is the foundation of prayer, and prayer should be nothing else but faith exercised. -- Thomas Manton

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