Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Songs in the Night


“But no one says, ‘Where is God my Maker, who gives us songs in the night.’” (Job 35:10)

There are many people who dread the night. For them, the night amplifies the silence of loneliness, separation and despair. Fear seems to rear its ugly head at night. Problems that appeared to be little blips on the radar screen of life during the day seem to increase in magnitude and appear out of control.

Sleep seems to evade us and the silence of night actually becomes deafening. It is often during these dark times of the night that our great God invades our spirits with “songs in the night.”
David the shepherd played on his harp during the night watch while tending his sheep. Maybe his “songs in the night were the ones that he played for King Saul when his soul was troubled and tormented. When we hear the songs that the Father gives during the night they may not be discernible by our human ears, but we know deep down in our souls He is giving us His special songs.

It is interesting that we us singing to worship and praise Him. The God of the universe who longs for our worship, praise and adoration receives our sacrifices of praise with joy. But it is an amazing thought that when those dreadful, lonely, dark nights, that are filled with despair, fear and anxiousness, He will draw near to you and me to “give us songs in the night.”

God, the Father, the Creator of music, sings His love song to you. Before we know it, we are overwhelmed with His presence and once again filled with awe and wonder. As the dawn approached, you discover that sometime during the night God replaced fear with His peace. Your loneliness is replaced with the awareness that He has been there right beside you. Your anxious spirit has been calmed and quieted with His love. And amazingly, the problems that seemed to be insurmountable have not only been reduced and put into perspective, but you find that He has provided the solutions and answers with clarity.

Open your ears to Him – listen for your special SONG IN THE NIGHT. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 31; Psalm 132-134; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Dig This Quote: If I could hear Christ praying for me ... I would not fear a million enemies. -- Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Jeremiah 33:3; Level 2 -- Psalm 128:1-5

Determined Praying: Jesus calls us to exercise our faith. We HAVE faith by HAVING faith. Our faith grows as it is stretched. The bigger our understanding of God, the bigger our faith. -- Michael Catt

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