Monday, August 16, 2010

Knowing What Your True Needs Are

Knowing What Your True Needs Are

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing ... Ephesians 1:3

We just finished our third week of Victory Conferences. It was a blessed week, but we had some real challenges. Saturday I was running on an empty tank spiritually and physically, and as always, God knew that.

I was recently sent a copy of Stormie Omartian's new book on prayer, The Power of a Praying Life -- Finding the Freedom, Wholeness, and True Success God Has for You. It is published by our good friends at Harvest House.

Just several pages into the book, God spoke to my heart with truth that I needed to hear after such an intense week of ministry. Stormie shares 26 principles that define my true needs. I will share half of the list today, and the other half tomorrow:

1. I need to be frequently reminded of who God is and who I am and can be in Him.

2. I need to take charge of my thoughts and emotions, and seek to be delivered from anything that imprisons or restricts me so I can live in the freedom and wholeness God has for me.

3. I need to be deeply impressed with the knowledge of all Jesus accomplished on the cross so I am not continually wearing myself out struggling to make something happen in my life that has already been accomplished.

4. I need to always follow the leading of the Holy Spirit so I can know God's will and be were I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to do.

5. I need to understand, recognize, and receive the gifts God has for me so I am not always striving for what He has already provided.

6. I need to know God's rules for my life and be able to secure HIS help in fully obeying them.

7. I need to be free of guilt and able to maintain a heart of humility and repentance.

8. I need to receive GOD'S forgiveness whenever I miss the mark HE has for me and be able to extend forgiveness to others when they, too, miss the mark.

9. I need to have the fear of the Lord in my heart every day so I am in right relationship with Him, and then He will take away all tormenting fear from my life.

10. I need to be able to see and appreciate my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit so I can learn to care for it properly.

11. I need to experience God's love every day and be able to share it with the people He puts in my life.

12. I need to be free to wholeheartedly give to God and to other in the way He would have me to do!

Wow, brothers. Is this not powerful! Take a moment and run back over the list. Turn it into a prayer today and watch God work! Do you know what your TRUE needs are? I will share the rest of the list with you tomorrow. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 16; Psalms 94-96; Romans 15:14-33

Dig This Quote: The prayer life does not consist of perpetual repetition of petitions. The prayer life consists of life that is always upward and onward and Godward.
G. Campbell Morgan

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 55:8-9; Level 2: Psalm 103: 20-22

Determined Praying: Prayer is not about changing God's mind; it's about changing OUR mind in light of how God wants things to happen. It's not about getting my will done on earth; it's about seeing HIS will done on earth as it is in heaven. -- Michael Catt

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