Tuesday, July 06, 2010

What Exactly Does Financial Freedom Mean?

What exactly does Financial Freedom mean?

Before we went on our little weShare 2010 journey in May we were talking about Financial Bondage on this blog. If you reread some of the posts from this spring, you will see that we discussed some of the symptoms of financial bondage in the believer's life. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are on this earth for a much higher calling than pursuing a career or just earning a paycheck. We are on this earth to fulfill the Great Commission.

If you recall, we came to the conclusion that Financial Bondage in the Christians life is being at a place where we are unable to pursue that higher calling due to the bondage finances can bring. When the Holy Spirit leads us to a vital task in fulfilling the Great Commission and we are unable to respond due to the need to pay off our mortgage, credit card balances or just support a particular life style; we are in financial bondage.

When we get to a point in our lives when we are financially free to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, I believe we have achieved true Financial Freedom. If the Holy Spirit calls us to go into full time service or perhaps give 100% of our income to fulfill the Great Commission and we are at a point financially we can heed that call; I believe we are experiencing true Financial Freedom.
But wait, I believe that true Financial Freedom in God's economy is even more than this. Yes, the above may be the ultimate earthly destination on our journey to live by God's economy. But even while we are on that journey to live by God's economy, God will use money in our lives to communicate important truths about Himself and to draw us closer to Him. Understanding these truths is also an important part of what true Financial Freedom is all about.

Money in itself is neutral. It can be used by Satan to pull us away from God and lead us into financial bondage. Or it can be used by God to draw us closer to Himself. Part of true Financial Freedom is allowing money to be used by God and not by Satan.

Over the next few weeks, I would like to consider some of the ways that God uses money in our lives to bring us closer to Himself. Maybe we are not at the point on our financial journey that we defined above, but no matter where we are, God can use money to teach us valuable truths. Understanding and applying these truths is part of true Financial Freedom in the Christians life.
I would love to hear your experiences on how God has used money in your life to draw you closer to Him or teach you about Him. -- George Hutchison serves on the Board of America's KESWICK and is an instructor for Crown Financial
Digging Deeper: Proverbs 6; Job 32-33; Acts 14

Dig This Quote: “God’s blessings at times came to us through our labors and at times without our labors, but never because of our labors.” Martin Luther on Deut. 8: 17-18
Determined Digging: Level 1: Psalm 30:5 Level 2: Psalm 101:1-5

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