Friday, July 02, 2010

Not Good Unless Endorsed


“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God –
and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” (1 Corinthians 1:30

In the Old Testament, particularly in the book of Proverbs, the term wisdom is often used to refer to the character of God. In the New Testament, there is further clarification of it in terms of its being invested in the person of Jesus Christ. “For it pleased the Father that in Him (Christ) all the fulness should dwell.” (Colossians 2:3). Our theme verse indicates that this wisdom invested in Jesus Christ is for us.

It is possible to paraphrase the verse to say in effect that Christ Jesus was made over to us and for our benefit. This One in whom the very wisdom of God is deposited is now delivered over to us who are in Him. In terms of a banking transaction, this would be a divine deposit made payable to us in the person of Christ (“In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”).

From the divine standpoint the deposit has already been made and the benefit is available to all who are in Christ. However, before the benefit of this can be realized, we must endorse it by faith. A check may be donated based on a sound deposit, but if it is not endorsed by the recipient, it is of no benefit.

How can the benefits of the wisdom of God be described? There are three elements listed: righteousness – the status of being right with God, sanctification – the status of being set apart to God, and redemption – the ultimate release and deliverance awaiting us on the basis of the price paid at Calvary.

Have you endorsed by faith the deposited riches that God made payable to you in Christ? -- Pastor Bill Raws was the grandson of the founder of America's KESWICK and served for over 50 years.

Today marks the anniversary of the home-going of Pastor Bill Raws. Even though it has been three years, Tuesday’s are still very hard for me personally. Pastor Bill and I met every Tuesday to pray and share. I still wait for the sound of his jogging suit rustling as he walked down the hall, and then he would always snap the rubber band around his Daytimer, which was my signal that he was outside of my office! We praise the Lord for the life and legacy of this giant of the faith. Pastor Bill, we love and miss you! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 20; Psalms 26-28; Acts 22

Dig This Quote: "One of the most fascinating things about leadership is that sometimes a person you least expect will step up and emerge as a leader. It can happen at any time, but it has been my experience that any emerging leader possesses two key traits...attitude and heart." ~Mac Anderson

Determined Digging: Level 1: Isaiah 1:18; Level 2: Psalm 103:1-5

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