Sunday, May 02, 2010

We Are Hungry Lord


"For He has satisfied the thirsty and filled the hungry with good things." Psalm 107:9

Good morning, brothers. Today is May 1st and it is the Lord's day! Today you will be worshipping HIM, our audience of ONE, with like-minded brothers and sisters.

My question for you today is this: Are you hungry for HIM today? Thirsty for HIM? There is NOTHING that can fill you today but HIM! We try everything else to fill the hunger in our souls but HIM. Some try drugs. Alcohol. Porn. Work. But the ONLY thing that can fill that hunger deep within our souls is God, and God alone.

I came across this prayer in HYMNS FOR THE FAMILY OF GOD. I trust that it is your prayer today as you gather to worship HIM:

We're hungry for something, Lord.
We have so much rich food and cake and candy for ourselves,

but we're hungry.
People around us are so stiff and tight and hard to reach.
And they make us that way.
But we're hungry for something more.

People we know keep talking about great ideas, brilliant questions,
and the problem of God's existence.
But we're hungry for YOU, not ideas or theories.
We want YOU to touch us, to reach inside us and turn us on.

There are so many people who will counsel us to death.
But we're hungry for someone who REALLY knows YOU and has YOU,

someone who can get so close to us that we can see YOU there.

We have so many things, but we're hungry for YOU!
Deep, deep down inside we're hungry, even if we appear to be silly, lazy, or unconcerned at times.
We're hungry for YOUR kind of power and love and joy.
Feed us, LORD, feed us with YOUR rich food.

Brothers, as you gather together today to worship HIM, are you hungry for HIM? If so, allow Him today to feed you with HIS food! Allow HIM to speak to your heart and transform your life. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 2; 1 Kings 12-13; Luke 22:1-30

Dig This Quote: There is power in praise. When we focus on the greatness, love, mercy, care, presence, and power of God, we are lifted above our own limitations. Our minds are directed to a source of strength beyond ourselves. We gain perspective for our own time and circumstances. Problems are seen in a different light, perplexities untangle, confusion often vanishes. Maxie Dunnam

Determined Digging: Level 1: Proverbs 4:18; Level 2: Proverbs 63:1-5

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