Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Prodigal Positioning

Join us this weekend at America's KESWICK for our MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND conference with Dr. Jamie Mitchell and Dr. Phil Tuttle. For detailed information, call 732-350-1187 or check out our website: All general sessions will be broadcasted live right from the website.

A Prodigal Positioning

“ And when He was alone, those around Him with the twelve asked Him about the parables. And He said to them, “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables, so that “they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven.”Mark 4:10-12 (ESV)

I have heard quite a few sermons on the Prodigal Son. I have heard them done in a style where I should take a cat-of-nine tails and practice a daily act of self mortification, then I have heard them done where we all cry at the end and sing Kumbaya. It didn’t matter who was preaching on it the idea of the prodigal has always left me saying, “That’s me, the Prodigal Son.”

But that has changed since I heard this Cuban Pastor, who preaches in Angola State Prison in Louisiana; give his message on the Prodigal. After he was done I am happy to say “That’s me, the Prodigal Son” with boldness. I wonder what Matthew Henry would have of thought of Pastor Manny Mill’s message on the Prodigal. Hmmm?

Anyway…..Matthew Henry stated that, “The parable of the prodigal son shows the nature of repentance, and the Lord's readiness to welcome and bless all who return to him.” But to borrow what Pastor Manny has stated, “a parable is an earthly story with Heavenly intentions.” And it’s here where I re-discover the Prodigal within myself. I agree that this parable shows the nature of repentance and there is a great joy when our Heavenly Father has taken us back. Even the world around us enjoys a good coming home story doesn’t it? But does it ever reckon itself with the true nature of the homecoming at all?

I remember leaving home at seventeen and calling the road my home. I wanted to see it all and have it all but wasn’t ready for what the world demanded in return for all it was showing me. And like our beloved Prodigal, I wasted everything I had and wound up with nothing. But unlike him, who only needed one experience of wasted living, I did this act quite often. It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over until you get different results. Well, try being the Prodigal over and over again. You will even see the same faces from the last time you took this road and they speak of the same results occurring.

But the last time was the last time. So many people were praying that God would do a mighty work in me that when the bottom fell out the only one who gave me a hand was a man of God. And even then I wasn’t being given any quarter from anyone. And like the Prodigal I had my rehearsal speech down for those moments when I thought I would make these great amends for my wrong doing. But those words never came out of my mouth and I realized I had to stop working for my salvation and accept the forgiveness that Christ gained for me. I could not or cannot do this walk without the victory that Jesus won for me. Even if He watched me from afar and shook His head and wondered when I would finally get it, He had more faith in me coming back to Him than I did in Him ever wanting me. I have often why it took me so long to get it …that’s another Freedom Fighter for another time.

So where are you this morning my Brothers (and Sisters)? Are you trying to re-write the story of the Prodigal hoping that the answer you get will be different than the answering your getting now? Well if you are please take it from someone who has done this. The same faces are still there just as lost and the results still happen the same way. Repenting and turning around will bring some different results and those results have Heavenly intentions. Remember, Repentance is your position in the Gospel…Thank you Pastor Manny for the reminder!! SANTO!! -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent contributor to Freedom Fighter

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 27; 2 Chronicles 1-3; John 10:1-23

Dig This Quote: “All believers must live their Christian lives in the context of an unholy world. Some face extra-ordinary temptation as they live in the midst of a flagrantly sinful atmosphere. The student in the university dormitory, or the man or woman on a military base or aboard ship must often live in an environment polluted with sensuality, wantonness, and lust. The businessman or woman is often under tremendous pressure to compromise ethical and legal standards to satisfy the greed and dishonesty of associates. Unless the Christian is prepared for such evil assaults on his mind and heart, he will have great difficulty maintaining personal holiness.” “The Pursuit of Holiness” Jerry Bridges

Determined Digging: Level 1: Proverbs 11:19; Level 2: Psalm 91:1-4

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