Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We Share and Sacrificial Giving

We Share and Sacrificial Giving

What is sacrificial giving and weShare? And how does all this come together?

First let's briefly talk about sacrificial giving. If you have been following this blog, we worked our way rather quickly through Level 1 and 2 in "God's school of giving". Now we are ready to move on to Level 3 which we call Sacrificial Giving.
As we mentioned in the last post God uses giving as a way to draw us closer to Him and sacrificial giving is where we really start to see results. Generous Giving defines Sacrificial Giving as "the kind (of giving) that is done at great personal cost to the giver." Randy Alcorn defines Sacrificial Giving in his book Money Possessions and Eternity as "parting with what we would rather keep". I tell people that sacrificial giving is doing without a need or want in our lives. It is basically giving something that costs us something to give it.

All through the Bible there are examples of sacrificial giving. I invite you over the next month to look for and post examples (either from the Bible or from your personal life) of sacrificial giving. Here are two to get us started. Remember Luke 21:1-4 when the poor widow gave her two mites and what did Jesus say? Luke 21:4 "But she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on." This is sacrificial giving.

And from my personal life, last week I met with a man that I have been working with as a Crown Money Map coach. As we were reviewing his March finances, I noticed that he spent nothing for entertainment and recreation or for clothing. It was evident why when I saw his March giving included a generous gift to his church mission in Haiti. This is sacrificial giving.

Yes, sacrificial giving is giving that costs us something, but more importantly it is evidence that we understand God owns everything and our total dependence is upon Him. I look forward to hearing your examples of sacrificial giving either from your daily walk or from the Bible. There is one example in the Bible of sacrificial giving that is the perfect example for us all to follow. I look forward to your thoughts on what that example is.

So what is weShare? By checking the weShare link or this Flyer you can see the details of the campaign. But on a broader basis it is a call to move our giving to level 3 in "God's School of Giving" and watch Him work in our lives as we grow closer to Him through our giving. I encourage you to join me on this journey during the month of May by giving up something in order to help fulfill the Great Commission. At the end of May we can take the money saved from our sacrifice and give it to be used in the fulfilling the Great Commission either through a donation to GBIM or if you are not associated with a FGBC church to your local church or a Bible believing ministry like Americas Keswick.

So here is the challenge. What will you give up that will equal about $3.00 a day for the month of May? Here are some ideas to get you started. I am looking forward to hearing from you; not only with sacrifice ideas, but also examples of sacrificial giving you have seen either in your life or in God's Word. By next week, I will post what I will attempt to sacrifice during the weShare2010 campaign. -- George Hutchison serves on the Board of America's KESWICK and writes a blog that is posted on the Keswick Website called STEWARDSHIP INSIGHTS He is also an instructor with Crown Financial
Dig This Quote: God is over all things; outside all; within but not enclosed; without but not excluded; above but not raised up; below but not depressed; wholly above, presiding; wholly beneath, sustaining; wholly within, filling. – Hilbert of Laradin
Determined Digging: Determined Digging: Level 1: Proverbs 3:5-6; Level 2: Psalm 62:5-8

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