Saturday, April 24, 2010

Toxic People

Toxic People
"Don't envy bad people; don't even want to be around them. All they think about is causing a disturbance; all they think about is making trouble." Proverbs 24:1

Have you ever been around toxic people? Listen to a description of toxic people from former head coach of the Boston Celtics, Rick Pitino in his book, SUCCESS IS A CHOICE:
We all know the person that comes to work everyday and is always griping about something. The conference room is either too hot or too drafty. The coffee's cold. My boss doesn't listen to me. Nothing is ever right. You know the type.

You are always going to be surrounded by negative people. They're in your workplace. They are in your family. They're among your circle of friends. [They are in the church!] There is no way we can get rid of them.

They're the ones who tell you that you can't do this, can't do that, the ones who tell you that your dreams are just childhood fantasies that you'll never be able to accomplish. They may not mean to be harmful. They may be well intentioned and might not even know they're doing it.

But their negativity is a poison to everyone around them, polluting the atmosphere, coloring everything. They are the "Fellowship of the Miserable, and they are the killers of the dream ... they look for reasons why things won't work. They look for things to blame. They are the first to complain when things aren't going right.

In his book, The Prayer Experiment, Pastor/author Jay Dennis says this about toxic people:

-- Toxic people leave a trail of toxic waster where ever they go.
-- They are difficult and discouraging rather than positive and uplifting.
-- They pour cold water on God-given ideas rather than enthusiastically support them.
-- They love to blame rather than take personal responsibility.
-- They delineate all the problems rather than attempt to offer viable solutions.
-- They make others want to quit or spit rather than explore and soar.
-- They stifle creativity and pro activity rather than enjoy what God might do.
Bottom line, brothers, we know who they are and we tend to not want to be around them. In fact, if you are like me, I want to run for the hills when I see 'em coming.
The question is this: Am you a toxic person? Or are you the wind beneath some one's wing? Take a minute and read back over the characteristics from Coach Pitino and Pastor Dennis. If any of these characteristics fit you, then it is time to start clean up the toxic waste in your life! In fact, confess it and take it to the cross -- that's where the toxic mess of our lives was taken care of over 2000 years ago! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Digging Deeper: Proverbs 24; 2 Samuel 19-20; Luke 18:1-23

Dig This Quote: It is a great blessing from God that some parts of the Scriptures are clear while others are not. By means of the first we acquire faith and ardour and do not fall into disbelief and laziness because of our utter inability to grasp what is said. By means of the second we are roused to enquiry and effort, has both strengthening our understanding and learning humility from the fact that everything is not intelligible to us. Peter of Damaskos
Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 139:23-24; Level 2 -- Psalm 51:14-19
Good morning, brothers. I need your help. I have been putting a tag on Freedom Fighters concerning our Family Freedom Walk on Saturday, May 8th to raise money for the Colony of Mercy. Right now the women who read VICTORY CALL are miles ahead in their support of the walk. Only one Freedom Fighter brother has given a gift.
Can I count on you today to help us? If the Lord brings in $60,000, they plan to shave my head! Yikes. But it would be worth it to help my brothers in the Colony of Mercy. You can contact my Administrative Assistant, Ruth Schmidt (732-350-1187, ext. 22) to give over the phone, or you can use this link to give on line: Donate for Family Freedom Walk. Thanks for you consideration.

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