Tuesday, April 06, 2010

He Was There All Three

He Was In All Three

“But will God indeed dwell with man on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this house that I have built!” 2 Chronicles 6:18 (ESV)

So while my study into the “Life Principles for Worship from the Tabernacle” has continued this question pops up from the leaders guide. “What similarities do you see between the Tabernacle, and the Temple, and the life of a believer in Jesus?” Well it’s all about where we meet God to worship Him. We first have to realize that God has been trying to get back into communion with us since Genesis 3:6. Then we can go step by step in His instruction on the how’s, why’s, where’s and when’s we are to worship Him. Notice I didn’t have say the “who” we are to worship.

In the Tabernacle of Meeting that was built in the wilderness every pattern, design, and order of worship were His. He had a straight arrow planned purpose in what He commanded and what He had revealed. When you look at the way the nation of Israel had to camp and the formation they were in when they traveled it is in the form of the Cross, with Him at the center. Everything that was used in the Tabernacle had signified some aspect of the nature of Him and His relationship with His people. And the great “I am” lead His people by a cloud of glory during the day and by a pillar of fire by night.

Before King David dies he announces that his son, Solomon, has been chosen to build a new “house for the sanctuary.” David gives Solomon the “Deuteronomical” blessing to “Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God-my God-will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.”(2 Chronicles 28:20) When Solomon finishes building, the priests are done with the ritual cleansing and sacrifices (there was much in the way of sacrifice) and the Ark of the Covenant is placed in the Holy of Holies-the Shekinah Glory Cloud of the Lord fills the Temple, reclaiming His place as the center or focal point of worship.

Well so far I find two places that have similarities to where we can find God…in the Old Testament. But now we have a new covenant and a New Testament. Jesus walks into Herod’s temple, lets the pigeons loose and dumps the money-changers tables. “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” they cry out. “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” He proclaims. Those folks hanging out at Herod’s temple never even realize that they are a slave to the grind of what they think is worship/atonement. He is among them and yet their hearts are so hard and blind they see not the Light that is Jesus Himself. But this isn’t the third place I find my last similarity.

They were all with one accord in one place when a gale force wind comes rushing into the house where they were. Then what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and rested upon each one of them. This may not be the “Shekinah Glory Cloud of the Lord” but these men were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in another “dialecto” or in another tongue. I say this is my third similarity. The wind is kicking up the dust making a dust cloud and the fire of the Holy Spirit being in their mist. Where two or more were gathered in His name to hear a sermon that forever changed how we are to worship after it was realized we were in His Temple the whole time. So, Solomon was the one with wisdom and he still wondered will God indeed dwell with man on the earth? What do you think? -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and a frequent Freedom Fighter contributer

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 6; 1 Samuel 4-6; Luke 9:1-17

Dig This Quote: The ideal is for the whole person to do only what the heart directs. Spiritual formation in Christ is the process leading to that ideal, and its result is love of God with all of the heart, soul, mind, and strength and love of neighbor as oneself. Each aspect or dimension of the person will be a source of weakness or strength to the whole person, depending on the condition it is in. The condition it is in will depend on the heart. A person who is prepared and capable of responding to the situations of life in ways that are good and right is a person whose soul is in order, under the direction of a well-kept heart, in turn under the direction of God.” Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice -- Dallas Willard and Jan Johnson

Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 119:11; Level 2 -- Psalm 51:5-9

TAKE THE CHALLENGE: May is fast approaching and we will be hosting our 2nd annual Family Freedom Walk on Saturday, May 8th. You can help in two ways. 1. walk – call guest services to obtain a walk package, solicit sponsors and come to the walk. 2. (this is a fun one) Sponsor Freedom Fighters for the walk. We are having a friendly competition between the 2 groups of devotional readers (Freedom Fighters and Victory Call). Our goal is to raise more funds for the Freedom Fighters team than the women raise for the Victory Call team.If you would like to join the fun, simply go to this link on our website https://01.secure.elexio.com/donations.aspx?id=366346&websiteurl=http://www.americaskeswick.org&siteid=2184 fill out the information and indicate in the “DESIGNATION” area : Family Freedom Walk: Freedom Fighters or if you prefer make your check out to America’s KESWICK and put in the memo line: FFW/Freedom Fighters and mail to : America’s KESWICK 601 Route 530 Whiting, NJ 08759. ALL DONATIONS MUST ARRIVE NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 5TH in order to be counted for our TEAM. Come on men, we can do it!!!

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