Friday, April 30, 2010

Christ The Inside Savior

Christ the Inside Savior

"But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you." Romans 8:11

Today's devotional is from Dr. Glyn Evans book, Daily with the King. Dr. Evans was a classmate with Pastor Bill Raws at Wheaton College. His devotional writings have been a blessing to me for many years.

If I am to be a worthy disciple of Jesus Christ, I must come to terms with my inside. Jesus Christ is not out there; He is in me, as far as my discipleship is concerned. This means that no matter how I love books (ouch!), revere people, and admire nature, that in the last analysis I must confront the Christ who resides in within. Too often I have lined up my life according to the outer lights instead of with Christ, the inner light, and this has only led to confusion.

Since Christ is within me, I must adopt two stances. First, I must listen to Him, and that involves a degree of turning inward, which my friends may often misunderstand. Second, I must allow His expression, which is more than "following Jesus" or "walking in His steps."

As the Spirit "clothed" Himself with Gideon, so I must let Jesus Christ clothe Himself in me. That is what Paul meant in 2 Corinthians 4:10, "that the life of Jesus may also be may be manifested in our body."

It is IN me, not out there, that a need and supply meet. Despite the beauty of the figure, Jesus does not walk BESIDE me, for an OUTSIDE Savior cannot meet the needs generated in my inmost being. That is why Paul says he did not know Christ "according to the flesh" anymore (2 Corinthians 5:16). The only Christ Paul knew was one INSIDE him, a supreme Lord and Master, and not an outside figure whom he was trying to follow. JESUS CHRIST MEETS MY NEED OF GUIDANCE BY PROPELLING ME FROM WITHIN.

With and inside Christ, I can rest; I will NEVER lose my Guide. His presence is no father than my heartbeat, His power no farther than my thought. "How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O God! ... When I awake, I am still with Thee," for You will "lead me in the everlasting way" (Psalm 139:17-18, 24).

Rejoice, today, my brothers -- we have a Savior who lives within is! Christ in you -- the hope of glory! Knowing that truth today should impact how we walk today! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 30; 1 Kings 8-9; Luke 21:1-19

Dig This Quote: I don't have to be sensitive to God, because God knows me. It's a wonderful thing to be totally loved, so that you can say anything. In that totally unconditional atmosphere, I don't have to protect myself. I can pray with the psalmist, 'search me oh God', and whatever He reveals is okay. Steve Brown

Determined Digging: Determined Digging: Level 1: Proverbs 3:5-6; Level 2: Psalm 62:5-8

We are coming down to the home stretch approaching our Family Freedom Walk on May 8th. Have you made your pledge today? Are we going to let the VICTORY CALL ladies beat the FREEDOM FIGHTER guys? Call today and make your pledge. It can mean the difference of life and death for a man who needs the Colony of Mercy: 732-350-1187 ext. 22. Please let Ruth Schmidt know you are a Freedom Fighter! I appreciate you!

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