Sunday, March 21, 2010



"This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:23

Today is the Lord's Day! I came across this old hymn that is not in most hymnals, but the words are so powerful. Allow the words to fill your soul as you prepare to worship HIM today:

O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth

O could I speak the matchless worth,
O could I sound glories forth
Which in my Savior shine!
I'd sing His perfect righteousness,
And magnify the wondrous grace
Which made salvation mine,
Which made salvation mine.

I'd sing the precious blood He spilt,
My ransom from the dreadful guilt
Of sin, and wrath divine;
I'd sing His glorious holiness,
In which all-perfect, heavenly dress
My soul shall ever shine,
My soul shall ever shine.

I'd sing the character He bears,
And all the forms of love He wears,
Exalted on His throne;
In loftiest songs of sweetest praise,
I would to everlasting days
Make all His glories known,
Make all His glories known.

Soon the delightful day will come
When my dear Lord will bring me home,
And I shall see His face;
Then with my Savior, brother, friend,
A blest eternity I'll spend,
Triumphant in His grace,
Triumphant in His grace.

May your heart be filled with praise and adoration as you worship HIM -- your audience of One! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Digging Deeper: Proverbs 21; Joshua 7-9; Luke 1:21-38

Dig This Quote:It should be a constant theme of prayer that in our day the reign of the Lord may be conspicuous and His power displayed in His church and on her behalf. YOUR KINGDOM COME should be our daily prayer. That the Lord Jesus DOES reign should be our daily praise. – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Determined Digging: Level 1 -- Psalm 73:28; Level 2 --Psalm 46:8-11

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