Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Be Anxious for Nothing (Part 2)

Be Anxious for Nothing (Part 2)

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplication ... "Philippians 4:6

God does have a sense of humor! Don't let that shock you -- He does. After all, He created YOU!

Yesterday I wrote about anxiety and was impressed with myself! I had read Chuck D. Pierces book on THE REWARDS OF SIMPLICITY and new that I would be able to share that information with you at some point. Good stuff ...

And then the Lord this morning reminded me about what I wrote and said, "Now do you REALLY believe it?" Ouch -- I hate when that happens.

EVERYTHING I read in my devotional time all tied together this morning. And guess the topic? Anxiety!!! In fact, Blackabys devotional today was titled: BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING!

There are two major things that I am anxious about right now: 1. The snowstorm this weekend meant that our weekend guests cancelled their conference resulting in a $20,000 loss in income on a week that we have payroll! 2. I have a key employee that resigned on Friday. When I say key, he really does the work of two employees. He is one of these unbelievably gifted young men. Filling his shoes is going to be humanly difficult.

So when God spoke to me today, I NEEDED IT! STREAMS IN THE DESERT really nailed it for me:

"Surely I am with you always." (Matthew 28:20) Never look ahead to the changes and challenges of this life in fear. Instead, as they arise look at them with full assurance that God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them. Hasn't He kept you safe up to now? So hold His loving hand tightly, and He will lead you safely through ALL things. And when you cannot stand, He will carry you in His arms.

Do not look ahead to what MAY happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you TODAY will take care of you TOMORROW and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you His unwavering strength that you may bear it. BE AT PEACE, THEN, AND SET ASIDE ALL ANXIOUS THOUGHTS and worries.

The Lord IS my Shepherd. -- Psalm 23:1. Now WAS, not MAY be, nor WILL be. "The Lord IS my shepherd." He IS on Sunday, on Monday, and through every day of the week. He IS in January, in December and every month of the year. He IS when I am at home and in China. He IS during peace or war, and in times of abundance and poverty." -- J. Hudson Taylor

God KNOWS all about today as well as tomorrow. He knows how HE will provide the $20,000 short-fall. He knows how he will provide for America's KESWICK as he has lead and directed my key employee to start a new venture. He knows exactly the next steps. Therefore I need not fear, worry or fret. Today I can replace them with TRUST and move from fear to faith.

Thank You, Lord, for speaking to MY heart today in such a CLEAR way. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

DIGGING DEEPER: Proverbs 10; Leviticus 8-10; Matthew 25:31-36

DIG THIS QUOTE: It was said of Moses that he spent forty years in the wilderness learning to be nothing, so that he might spend the next forty years proving God to be everything. – James Montgomery Boice

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