Tuesday, January 12, 2010

When God Speaks ... It Is So

When God Speaks ... It Is So
"So shall My word be that goes from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
Today is a good day for me to ask the question ... are you DIGGING DEEPER with me? How is it going? I would love to hear from you and to hear what God has been doing in your life since joining me on our journey into the study of God's WORD.
His WORD is amazing. It always speaks to our hearts and is so relevant for the need of the day. When God speaks -- it is so!
Listen to what Dr. Henry Blackaby reminds us about when God speaks ...
When God speaks, NOTHING remains the same. At the beginning of time, God spoke, and a universe was created out of nothing. God followed a pattern when He created the earth; He spoke; it was so; it was good (Genesis 1:3-4). This pattern continued throughout the Bible.
Whenever God revealed His plans, things happened just as He said, and God considered the result "good" (Phil. 2:13). God doesn't make suggestions. He speaks with the full determination to see that what He has said will come to fruition.
Whenever Jesus spoke, what He said came to pass:
* Lepers found that a word from Jesus meant healing (Luke 5:13; 17:14).
* The blind man discovered that a word from Jesus meant sight (Luke 18:42).
*Through a barren fig tree the disciples saw that a curse from Jesus meant destruction (Mark 11:20).
*The sinner experienced forgiveness through a word from Jesus (John 8:11).
*How many attempts did it take Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead? Only one (John 11:43).
There was NEVER a time that what Jesus said did not happen! What happens when Jesus speaks to you [and me]? Have you been reading the words of Jesus in your Bible without experiencing His word that transforms everything around you?
Jesus condemned the Pharisees because they assumed that knowledge of the written Scriptures would give them life. They were satisfied having the words instead of experiencing the person who spoke the words (John 5:39). How powerful a word from God is to your life! As you read your Bible and pray, listen to what God has to say to YOU and HIS will for YOUR life! (from EXPERIENCING GOD -- THE DEVOTIONAL -- Broadman and Holman)
Good reminder, today, brothers. Is God speaking to YOU today? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK
Join us this Thursday night for our January Men's Fellowship Night. Chaplain Jack Noel will be sharing God's Word. Jack will be retiring this month after 18 years of service at America's KESWICK. Come encourage Jack, and allow God to speak to YOUR heart. Dinner is at 6:15 PM followed by the program. Call today and make your reservation ... and bring a friend! -- 732-350-1187
DIGGING DEEPER: Proverbs 12; Genesis 29-30; Matthew 9:1-17
DIG THIS QUOTE: Whenever people do not base their lives on God’s revelation, they “cast off restraints.” That is, they do what is right in their own eyes. They set their goals, arrange their agendas, and then pray for God’s blessings. Some Christians are living far outside of the will of God, yet they have the audacity to pray and ask God to bless their efforts. – Henry Blackaby
DETERMINED DIGGING: Level 1 -- Deuteronomy 31:8; Psalm 1

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