Sunday, January 17, 2010



"Ascribe the glory due His name." Psalm 29:2

This has been one of those incredible weeks of miracles at America's KESWICK. We have been having issues with the boiler at our Activity Center and the motor for the boiler burned out resulting in having no heat or hot water in the building for several days.

We serve the local seniors by offering a fitness program that is available Monday through Friday mornings. Many of them are just great people, but some of them can be down right nasty. ANYTHING that disrupts their little world becomes reason to complain and yell.
We were concerned that this motor was obsolete. So obsolete, that it meant building one to fit which could have take over a week plus! Not a good thing. But God in His miraculous way, provided an alternative and within several hours, it was up and running. Later on that day, a dear friend of the ministry sent the money to cover the cost.
That same day, we received a check for $60,000, which is a HUGE gift for us -- this will go towards the boiler replacement project. God IS so good.
Today is the Lord's day, and we could easily praise Him for all the "things" He has done for us -- boilers, payroll needs, etc. But today, I want to encourage us to praise Him for the REAL things HE HAS DONE. You catch a glimpse of that in Fanny Crosby's hymn, TO GOD BE THE GLORY ...
To GOD be the glory, great things HE has done.
Who yielded HIS life an atonement for sin,
And opened the life-gate that ALL may go in.
O perfect REDEMPTION, the purchase of blood,
To EVERY BELIEVER the promise of God.
The vilest offender who truly believes,
That moment from JESUS a pardon receives.
Great things HE has taught us!
Great things HE has done!
And great our rejoicing through JESUS THE SON!
But purer and higher and greater will be
Our wonder, our transport, when JESUS we see.
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Let the earth hear HIS voice!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Let the people rejoice!
O come to the Father through Jesus the Son!
And give HIM the glory; great things HE has done!!!
Rejoice, my brothers! Praise HIM today -- our audience of ONE! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

DIGGING DEEPER: Proverbs 17; Genesis 41-42; Matthew 12:1-23
DIG THIS QUOTE: Well, let's go on disagreeing but don't let us judge. What doesn't suit us may suit possible converts of a different type. My model here is the behaviour of the congregation at a 'Russian Orthodox' service, where some sit, some stand, some kneel, some walk about, and no one takes the slightest notice of what anyone else is doing. That is good sense, good manners, and good Christianity. 'Mind one's own business' is a good rule in religion as in other things. C. S. Lewis
DETERMINED DIGGING: Level 1 -- Joshua 1:8; Level 2 -- Psalm 15

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